黄安之战,“王疯子”的绰号不胫而走1931年11月,秋末冬初。黄安,新成立的中国工农红军第四方面军正在召集发起黄安战役的作战会议。已是红四方面军第四军10师30团营长的王近山在坐,当时30团担任的是围点打援的总预 备队。红四方面军总指挥兼第四军军长徐向前操着浓重的山西口音布置任务:“第一步扫清外围敌据点,切断守敌通向宋埠、黄陂的交通线;第二步紧缩包围圈,吸打援敌;第三步总攻黄安城。”当时黄安是敌人伸进红军根据地的重要据点,虽然黄安县城附近大都已为红军控制,但敌69师却仍占据着最重要的制高点——海拔1000余米的蟑山主峰。蟑山山峰陡峭,而担负守蟑山的是新编入红11师的黄安两个独立团,团长是著名的“游击大王”赵赐吾。这种特殊的客观条件预示着这将是一场恶战。战前敌我双方互相试探对峙着。不过敌人也不是吃素的,他们将我方的动静看得一清二楚,依仗其
Huang war, “Wang crazy” nicknamed spread like wildfire November 1931, late autumn and early winter. Huang An, the newly formed Fourth Front Army of the Chinese Workers ’and Peasants’ Red Army, is holding a combat conference to launch the Huang An Campaign. Is the Fourth Army Red Army Fourth Army 10 Division 30 regiment Wang Wangshan in the seat, then the 30 regiment served as the general reserve aid team. Xu Xianqian, chief commander of the Fourth Red Army and commander of the Fourth Army, conducted a heavy task of setting up his Shanxi accent: “The first step was to clear out the outer enemy positions and cut off the enemy lines leading to Songbu and Huangpi. The second step was to tighten the encirclement and absorb Attacking the enemy; third attack Huang’an City. ”At that time, Huang An was an enemy into the Red Army base strongholds, although most of the county near Huangan has been controlled by the Red Army, but the enemy division still occupy the 69 most important commanding height - elevation The main peak of more than 1000 meters of cockroach. Cockroach mountain steep, and bear the cockroach Hill is the new Red 11 division Huang two independent regiment, the head is the famous “guerrilla king” Zhao give my. This special objective condition indicates that this will be a fierce battle. Both sides of the enemy and ourselves tried to confront each other before the war. However, the enemy is not a vegetarian, they will be able to see clearly our movement, relying on its