Effects of Different Compound Fertilizers on Growth and Quality of Ginger ( Zingiber officinale Rosc

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  Abstract [Objectives] This study was conducted to screen compound fertilizers suitable for ginger ( Zingiber officinale Roscoe).
  [Methods] The effects of several different compound fertilizers on the growth, development, yield, and quality of ginger were compared under field test conditions.
  [Results] Treatment T2 (17-9-19) could effectively promote the growth and development of ginger plants and increase the yield of ginger. The content of soluble sugars in ginger was the highest in T2; the content of vitamin C in ginger was the highest in treatment T1 (15-15-15); treatment T2 showed the highest content of free amino acids in ginger; the content of proteins in ginger treated by T3 (22-8-10) was the highest; T3 also showed the highest content of gingerol; and treatment T2 had the lowest nitrate content. Comprehensive from the growth, yield and quality effect of ginger plants, treatment T2 was the best.
  [Conclusions] This study provides scientific basis for the rational fertilization and high-yield and efficient cultivation of ginger.
  Key words Compound fertilizer; Ginger; Quality; Effect
  Received: November 21, 2019Accepted: February 2, 2020
  Supported by Social Peoples Livelihood Science and Technology Innovation Project of Yongchuan District.
  Yuanpan HE (1993-), male, P. R. China, master, devoted to research about plant nutrition and quality, and plant nutrition and environmental ecology.
  *Corresponding author. E-mail: ranlie163@163.com.
  Ginger refers tofresh rhizomes of Zingiber officinale Roscoe, which is a perennial herbaceous plant in Zingiberaceae. It is also known as Jianggen, Bailayun, Gouzhuangzhi, Yindixin, Mizhijiag, etc. Ginger contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, crude fiber, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, phosphorus, selenium, carotene, vitamins and pungency component (mainly gingerol, shogaol and zingerone), sugars (mainly glucose, fructose and sucrose) and volatile oils (mainly gingerol, zingiberene, camphene, anethole, borneol, citral and cinenle).Ginger is one of the important vegetables for earning foreign exchange in China. Its underground tubers contain volatile oils and gingerol with strong aroma. It is an important condiment and traditional Chinese medicine used in daily life. It is widely used in cooking, food processing, medicine and health and other fields[1-3]. China is the main ginger-producing region in the world, as well as a large ginger producing and exporting country. The annual cultivated area of ginger in China reaches 630 000 hm2, second only to India in the world, and its export volume in China ranks first in the world[4].   Ginger has the characteristics of long growth cycle, high yield and large absorption of mineral elements. The minerals provided by soil alone cannot fully meet the mineral needs of ginger growth and development, and fertilization should be performed to supplement minerals[5]. However, the application of excessive chemical fertilizers can lead to environmental pollution and great waste of fertilizers[6]. Reasonable balanced fertilization can be carried out based on the absorption of mineral elements by ginger, so as to greatly improve the yield and quality of ginger and the utilization rate of fertilizers[7-8]. Ginger has a shallow root system and weak ability to absorb fertilizers. It tubers are prone to lignification during expansion, which affects the absorption of fertilizers. Excessive input of chemical fertilizers, especially nitrogen fertilizers, is more prominent in the current production process. As a result, the increase in yield of ginger is gradually dropping year by year, accompanied by decreased fertilizer use efficiency and reduced flavor quality, and more serious is that excessive fertilization can easily cause a series of environmental pollution problems such as soil degradation, waste of resources, soil hardening, decreased fertility, eutrophication of water bodies and excessive nitrate content in groundwater[9-11]. Scientific and reasonable fertilization plays an important role in improving crop yield and quality. At present, no systematic studies have been reported on the effects of different compound fertilizers on the growth and development, yield and quality of ginger. In this study, the effects of several different compound fertilizers on the growth, development, yield, and quality of ginger were compared under field test conditions, with an attempt to select suitable compound fertilizer products for ginger.
  Materials and Methods
  Experimental materials
  The ginger materials tested were issue culture plantlets of Z. officinale Roscoe.
  The basic physical and chemical properties of the tested soil were as follows: pH 6.3, organic matter 15.3 g/kg, alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen 90.4 mg/kg, available phosphorus 15.0 mg/kg, and available potassium 105.0 mg/kg.
  The tested fertilizers were four kinds of compound fertilizers (N-P2O5-K2O): 15-15-15, 17-9-19 (produced by Chongqing Ruilong Biochemical Products Co., Ltd.), 22-8-10 (Chongqing Jiuhe Agricultural Supplies Sales Co., Ltd.), 18-10-18 (Sichuan Longyou Chemical Co., Ltd.).   Experimental design
  The experiment was carried out in the greenhouses of Wujian Seedling Science and Technology City in Yongchuan District, Chongqing. The experiment consisted of four treatments (Table 1). The test plot was 20 m2 in area. Each treatment was done with three replicates in random arrangement. Ginger seedlings (three leaves and one heart) were planted at row spacing of 30 cm and plant spacing of 30 cm. Before transplanting, cow manure and cake fertilizer were applied at rates of 15 000 and 1 500 kg/hm2, respectively. The field was mechanically ploughed to a depth of 50 cm, disinfected with chloropicrin stock solution and sealed for 30 d. The reference test compound fertilizers (basic fertilizer) were broadcasted after removing the film. The bottom application was performed by furrowing, broadcasting and then covering with soil to mix well. Topdressing was carried out once in July 2018. During topdressing, a small hole was first dug at one side of the ginger plant, and the fertilizer was spread into the hole, which was then covered with soil, followed by watering thoroughly. Except for compound fertilizers, other management of ginger was carried out according to conventional methods.
  During the growth process of ginger, 20 plants were randomly selected from each plot every 15 d from July 15 to measure the plant height and number of branches. The ginger was harvested in October, and the fresh and dry weights of the aboveground and underground parts of ginger and the quality of ginger were measured.
  Determination methods
  When ginger was harvested, five ginger plants were randomly selected from each plot, and their botanical characteristics such as plant height and number of branches were measured, and the yields and quality of ginger treated with different compound fertilizers were determined. The soil agrochemical properties were determined according to the method of "Soil Agrochemical Analysis" by Bao[12]; the soluble sugar was determined by anthrone colorimetry[13]; the vitamin C was determined by 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol method[14]; potentiometric titration method was applied for the determination of free amino acid nitrogen[15]; soluble protein was determined by Kjeldahl method[16]; gingerol was determined by UV spectrophotometry[17]; and salicylic acid digestion colorimetry was applied for the determination of nitrate[18].
  Results and Analysis
  Effects of different compound fertilizers on the growth of ginger   Plant height
  It can be seen from Table 2 that different compound fertilizer treatments had a significant effect on the growth of ginger. In the early stage of ginger growth, the plant heights of different treatments increased rapidly, but the differences were not significant. As the ginger continued to grow, the growth vigor of ginger became stronger gradually, and the differences gradually increased. The growth trend was consistent. At harvesting, the plant height of ginger was the highest in treatment T2, and the values ranked as T2>T1=T4>T3. T2 was significantly higher than other treatments, while the differences between any two of the three treatments T1, T3 and T4 were not significant. It showed that the application of compound fertilizer T2 was beneficial to the growth of ginger plant height.
  Number of branches
  Different compound fertilizer treatments had a significant effect on the growth of ginger (Table 3). In the early stage of ginger growth, the number of branches increased rapidly in different treatments, but the differences were significant. As the ginger continued to grow, the growth vigor of ginger got stronger gradually, and the differences gradually increased. The growth trend was consistent. At harvesting, the number of ginger branches was highest in treatment T4, and the numbers of ginger branches in different treatments ranked as T4>T2>T3>T1. T4 was significantly higher than other treatments, but the differences between treatments T1, T2, and T3 were not significant. It showed that the application of compound fertilizer T4 was beneficial to increase the growth of ginger branches.
  Effects of different compound fertilizers on ginger yield
  Fresh weight
  The aboveground and underground parts of plants have a relation of promoting and restricting each other. In general, plants with vigorous root systems have many branches and leaves above the ground, and good growth of the aboveground part will promote root growth in turn. It can be seen from Table 4 that different compound fertilizer treatments had a significant effect on the fresh weight of gingers aboveground part. T2 showed the highest fresh weight of the aboveground part, and the fresh weights of the aboveground part in different treatments were in order of T2>T4>T1>T3. The fresh weight of the aboveground part was significantly higher in treatment T2 than other treatments. The harvested part of ginger is the tuber of the underground part, and the higher the fresh weight of the underground part, the higher the ginger yield. The treatments with different compound fertilizers had a significant effect on the fresh weight of the underground part of ginger. The fresh weight of the underground part of ginger was highest in treatment T2, and showed an order of T2>T4>T3>T1. The fresh weight of the aboveground part in treatment T2 was significantly higher than those of other treatments. It showed that the application of compound fertilizer T2 was beneficial to increase the fresh weights of the aboveground and underground parts of ginger.   Dry weight
  As can be seen from Table 4. Different compound fertilizer treatments had a significant effect on the dry weight of gingers aboveground part, and the dry weights of different treatments followed an order of T3>T2>T4>T1. Different compound fertilizer treatments had a significant effect on the dry weight of gingers underground part, and the dry weights of different treatments ranked as T4>T2>T1>T3. And the dry weight of the underground part was significantly lower in treatment T3 than other treatments, while the difference between T2 and T4 was not significant. It showed that the application of compound fertilizer T2 was beneficial to increase the dry weights of the aboveground and underground parts of ginger.
  Effects of different compound fertilizers on quality of ginger
  Soluble sugars
  The soluble sugars in ginger are mainly fructose, glucose and sucrose. Both fructose and glucose are reducing sugars. Sucrose is a non-reducing sugar. Anthrone can react with free hexose or hexosyl, pentosyl and hexuronic acid in polysaccharides, and the liquid after reaction is blue green and has a maximum absorption peak at 620 nm. So the content of soluble sugars can be measured by anthrone colorimetry[13]. It can be seen from Table 5 that different compound fertilizer treatments had a significant effect on the soluble sugar content of ginger. The soluble sugar contents of the different treatments followed an order of T2>T1>T3>T4. Treatment T2 was significantly higher than other treatments, while the difference between T3 and T4 was not significant. It showed that the application of compound fertilizer T2 was beneficial to increase the content of soluble sugar in ginger and improve the quality of ginger.
  Yuanpan HE et al. Effects of Different Compound Fertilizers on Growth and Quality of Ginger ( Zingiber officinale Roscoe)
  Vitamin C
  Vitamin C (also known as L-ascorbic acid) is an essential nutrient for higher primates and a few other creatures. Ascorbic acid is produced by metabolism in most organisms, but humans can only supplement it by ingesting vitamin C in vegetables and fruits. It is well known that the lack of vitamin C can cause scurvy. The main role of vitamin C is to improve immunity, prevent cancer, heart disease and stroke, protect teeth and gums, and act as an antioxidant[14].It can be seen from Table 5 that different compound fertilizer treatments had a significant effect on the vitamin C content of ginger, which showed an order of T1>T2>T4>T3. Treatment T3 was significantly lower than other treatments, while the differences between other three treatments T1, T2 and T4 were not significant. It showed that the application of compound fertilizer T1 was beneficial to increase the content of vitamin C in ginger and improve the quality of ginger.   Free amino acids
  Amino acids are the most basic substances that constitute proteins of organisms and are related to life activities. Amino acids serve as the basic unit of protein molecules in organisms and have a close relationship with life activities of organisms. They have a special physiological function in antibodies and are one of the indispensable nutrients in organisms[15]. It can be seen from Table 5 that different compound fertilizer treatments had a significant effect on the free amino acid nitrogen content of ginger , which showed an order of T2>T3>T4>T1. Treatment T2 was significantly higher than other treatments. It showed that the application of compound fertilizer T2 was beneficial to increase the content of free amino acids in ginger and improve the quality of ginger.
  Proteins are the material basis of all life, an important part of cells, and the main raw material for the renewal and remediation of human tissues. Every tissue of the human body including hair, skin, muscles, bones, internal organs, brain, blood, nerves and endocrine are composed of proteins, and proteins play a very important role in human growth and development. Protein is one of the important nutritional quality indicators of vegetables. Ginger contains less protein. The protein content in the samples was measured according to the Kjeldahl method in the national standard[16]. From Table 5, it can be seen that different compound fertilizer treatments had a significant effect on the protein content of ginger, which followed an order of T3>T4>T2>T1. The protein content of treatment T3 was significantly higher than other treatments, and the differences between treatments T1, T2 and T4 were significant. It showed that the application of compound fertilizer T3 can effectively increase the crude protein content of ginger tubers and improve the nutritional quality of ginger.
  Gingerol has the effects of inhibiting platelet aggregation, improving cardiovascular function, treating dizziness, improving gastrointestinal function, enhancing immunity, and resisting inflammation. It also has very strong antioxidant capacity. As a seasoning vegetable, gingerol is one of the important quality indicators of ginger[17]. It can be known from Table 5 that different compound fertilizers had a significant effect on gingers gingerol content, which showed an order of T3>T4>T2>T1. It showed that the application of compound fertilizer T3 was beneficial to increase gingers gingerol content.   Nitrate
  Nitrate content is an important indicator of the health quality of ginger. Nitrate can be reduced to nitrite in the human body. Nitrite interacts with the blood of the human body to form methemoglobin, which causes the blood to lose the function of carrying oxygen, makes the human body hypoxic and poisoned. It can cause dizziness, palpitations, vomiting and cyanotic lips in light cases, and unconsciousness, convulsions and polypnea in severe cases, or even endanger lives if rescue not prompt. Furthermore, nitrite will interact with secondary amines in the human body to form nitrosamines. When it reaches a certain dose in the human body, it is carcinogenic, teratogenic, and mutagenic. The amount of nitrate in vegetables is directly related to human health[18]. It can be seen from Table 5 that the different compound fertilizer treatments had a significant effect on the nitrate content of ginger, which exhibited an order of T3>T1>T4>T2, of which T2 treatment was significantly lower than other treatments. It showed that the application of compound fertilizer T2 was beneficial to reduce the content of nitrate and improve the quality and flavor of ginger.
  The plant heights of ginger treated with different compound fertilizers ranked as T2>T1=T4>T3. The numbers of branches followed T4>T2>T3>T1. From the perspective of the effects of different compound fertilizer treatments on the growth of ginger plants, the selection of T2 and T4 from the different compound fertilizer treatments was beneficial to the growth and development of ginger plants.
  The yields of ginger per plant with different compound fertilizers were in order of T2>T4>T3>T1. Choosing compound fertilizer T2 was beneficial to increase ginger yield.
  The dry matter contents of ginger treated with different compound fertilizers followed T1>T2> T4>T3. The soluble sugar contents of the different treatments exhibited an order of T2>T1>T3>T4. The vitamin C contents showed an order of T1>T2>T4>T3. The free amino acid contents ranked as T2>T3>T4>T1. The protein contents were in order of T3>T4>T2>T1. The gingerol contents showed an order of T3>T4>T2>T1. The nitrate contents followed T3>T1>T4>T2. From the perspective of the effects of the different compound fertilizer treatments in improving the quality and flavor of ginger, the selection of compound fertilizer T2 could effectively improve the quality and flavor of ginger.   Comprehensively from effects of different compound fertilizer treatments on the growth, yield and quality of ginger plants,treatment T2 was the best among the four different compound fertilizer treatments.
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