王占禹,山西屯留县人,1948年3月8日出生,中共党员,1965年任四清工作队队员、屯留小报记者,后任太行报记者、太行锯条厂通讯组组长。1975年调任长治日报社工商组组长,1978年担任长治日报社副总编辑,1993年12月担任总编辑,兼任长治市记协副主席,并当选为长治市八届、九届政协委员。1988年1月评为主任编辑,1995年晋升为高级编辑。 他热爱党的新闻事业,勤奋好学,笔耕不辍,在担任通讯员和记者期间写下50多万字的新闻作品,其中60多篇被省和国家级报刊采用。担任长治日报
Wang Zhanyu, Tunliu County, Shanxi Province, was born on March 8, 1948. Member of the Communist Party of China, member of the Siqing Work Team in 1965, reporter of Tunliu Tabloid newspaper, later newspaper reporter of Taihang Press, and head of communication group of Taihang Saw Blade Factory. In 1975, he was transferred to Changzhi Daily’s Business and Industry Team Leader. In 1978, he served as the deputy chief editor of Changzhi Daily. In December 1993, he served as editor-in-chief and served as Vice Chairman of Changzhi Municipal Association of Recordors and was elected as a member of the Eighth and Ninth CPPCC National Committee members. January 1988 as chief editor, 1995 was promoted to senior editor. He loves the party’s journalism, works diligently and studiously, writes down his pen, wrote more than 500,000 words of news works during his tenure as correspondent and reporter, of which more than 60 were used by provincial and state newspapers. Changzhi Daily