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湖北省兴山县——这个因出了胡汉和亲的美丽使者王昭君而闻名于世的鄂西小县,多少年来这里的老百姓背靠莽莽大山而居。夜晚,他们点着油灯,烤着炭火,望着黑黝黝的山影和那满天星斗,遐想着能摘下天上的星星把人间照亮。今天的兴山就有一批这样的摘星人,谢化愚就是他们中间的代表。一谢化愚出生在湖北天门县一个农民家庭,家境的贫寒使他从小就养成了刻苦、勤奋,坚忍不拔的精神。1970年他从武汉水利水电学院一毕业就来到兴山,命运使他与兴山的水电事业结下了不解之缘。他一到兴山正碰上第一座电站——装机8200千瓦的猴子包电站工程上马兴建,他主动请缨上了工地和民工一道抡锤打炮眼,凿隧洞、挖水渠,肩扛背驮运物资。兴山的水电站如雨后春笋般地破土而出,苍坪河电站、九冲河电站、南阳河电站、朝天吼电站等等。这些电站的建成无不凝结着他的心血和汗水。水能转变成了电能,但要将电能转化成效益,这要靠电网。于是谢化愚组织技术人员进行全县的网络规划,在县网与华中网连网后,又逐步规划完善县电网,使全县用电保证率达90%以上,为此,兴山县电网1990年被评为水利部“优秀电网”。 Xingshan County, Hubei Province - This small western Hubei Province, famous for being Wang Zhaojun, the beautiful messenger of Hu Han and his pro, has lived in the vast mountainous areas for many years. In the evenings, they lit the oil lamps, grilled charcoal fire, looked at the swarthy shadows and the starry sky, and reverie to take off the stars in the sky to light up the earth. Xingshan today there is a group of such stars, Xiehua Yu is the middle of them. A Xie Huan Yu was born in Tianmen County, Hubei Province, a peasant family, family circumstances so that he developed a hardworking, hardworking, perseverance. In 1970 he graduated from Wuhan Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower came to Xingshan, destiny so that he and Xingshan hydropower cause forged a bond. He arrived in Hing Shan is the first power station - installed 8,200 kilowatts of monkey power station project was launched, he volunteered to work on site and migrant workers 抡 hammering eyes, chisel tunnels, digging ditches, piggyback shoulder piggyback Materials. Xingshan hydropower station mushroomed ground-breaking, Cangpinghe power station, nine Chonghe power station, Nanyang River Power Station, Chaotianhou Power Station and so on. The completion of these power stations have condensed his effort and sweat. Water can be converted into electricity, but it needs to be converted into electricity, depending on the electricity grid. So Xiehua stupid technical staff to carry out network planning throughout the county in the county network and Huazhong network networking, and gradually plan and improve the county power grid, the county electricity guarantee rate of 90% or more, for this reason, Xingshan County Power Grid in 1990 Was awarded the Ministry of Water “excellent power grid ”.
报道了掺硫NaCl晶体(F_2 ̄+)_H心的制备过程以及(F_2 ̄+)_H心的室温避光稳定性。讨论了S2-对F_2 ̄+的稳定作用和(P_2 ̄+)H制备过程中的缺陷化学反应.研究表明.促使F3心热分解成F心和控制好转型光的辐照剂量是制备高浓度、高纯
研究了试剂对乙酰基偶氮氯膦(CPApA)在非离子表面活性剂Triton X-100存在下与钪的β型显色反应条件。在硝酸介质中,Triton X-100可增敏钪与CPApA的显色反应,在波长724nm处络
【摘 要】工业自动化是现代先进工业科学的核心技术,是工业现代化的物质基石,是工业现代化的重要标志。文章主要介绍了我国现代工业自动化控制技术的发展现状。分析了其结构的主要特点,并对电气自动化今后的发展趋势做了些探讨。  【关键词】自动化控制:特点;原则;趋势  【中图分类号】F407 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-5158(2013)03-0153-01  1、前言  工業电气自动化这个专
The method of high-pressure hydrogen charging was used to investigate the internal hydrogeneffects on cryogenic mechanical properties of two Cr-Ni-Mn-N austenit
“十五”时期,以发展为主题,以结构调整为主线,这将为科学技术、尤其是迅速发展的高科技提供广阔的用武之地。 高科技是国际间综合国力竞争的制高点 在高科技的推动下,全球