空前的发展机遇 中国保险业电子商务正面临着良好的发展机遇。现阶段我国面临着工业化和信息化的双重挑战,尽管工业化的发展阶段很难跨越,需要我们不断追赶,但以.Internet网络技术为基础的商业电子化革命的确给中国保险业提供了一次千载难逢的跨超式发展的的契机。 保险业市场潜力巨大。我国保险业已进入快速发展时期。据统计,2002年国内保费总收入已达到1595.9亿元,比1980年增长346倍,平均年增长率为34%。但与发达国家相比,我国的保险业仍处于初级阶段。国家统计局最新的一份调查统计资表明,城市家庭购买了保险的比例为38%(其中12%购买了家庭财产保险,33%购买了医疗保险,55%购买了人寿保险。),
Unprecedented Development Opportunities China’s insurance e-commerce is facing a good opportunity for development. At the present stage, our country faces the dual challenge of industrialization and informationization. Although the stage of industrialization is difficult to bridge and it requires us to keep catching up, the commercial electronic revolution based on Internet network technology has indeed provided a once-in-a-lifetime Chinese insurance industry Cross-style development opportunities. The insurance market has great potential. China’s insurance industry has entered a period of rapid development. According to statistics, in 2002 the total domestic premium income has reached 159.59 billion yuan, 346 times more than in 1980, with an average annual growth rate of 34%. However, compared with developed countries, China’s insurance industry is still in its infancy. The latest statistics from a survey by the National Bureau of Statistics showed that 38% of urban households purchased insurance (12% bought family property insurance, 33% bought medical insurance and 55% bought life insurance)