此次采访对象为加州劳工赔偿保险基金会(State Compensation Insurance Fund)的工业卫生顾问、注册工业卫生师阮军(Tuan Nguyen)和纽约ARLS咨询公司的人体工效学专家玛丽·奥莱利博士。几年前,阮军作为美国工业卫生协会(AIHA)的大使前往越南,在AIHA和越南职业健康与环境卫生研究所(NIOEH)间建立了合作
Interviewed with Tuan Nguyen, a registered industrial hygienist, and Dr. Mary O’Rourley, an ergonomics expert at ARLS Consulting in New York, the interview was conducted with industrial health consultants for the California State Compensation Insurance Fund. A few years ago, Nguyen came to Vietnam as the ambassador of the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and established cooperation between the AIHA and the NIOEH (Vietnam Institute of Occupational Health and Environmental Health)