济源市位于河南省西北部,区域面积1 931hm2,山区、丘陵、平原等地形多样,其中山区丘陵面积达80.8%。近年来,济源市充分利用山区夏季凉爽的小气候优势,在发展高山越夏番茄生产技术方面进行了积极探索和研究,取得了一定进展,菜农亩均效益超过8 000元,对推动山区农业结构调整、增加群众收
Jiyuan City is located in the northwestern part of Henan Province, with an area of 1 931hm2. There are varied terrains in mountainous areas, hilly areas and plains, with 80.8% of hilly areas in mountainous areas. In recent years, Jiyuan City, making full use of the mountain summer cool microclimate advantage, in the development of alpine summer tomato production technology has been actively explored and research has made some progress, vegetable farmers mu per benefit more than 8 000 yuan, to promote the adjustment of agricultural structure in mountainous areas , Increase the crowd income