抗日战争初期,在鲁西北战场上有一个全国闻名的风云人物,他的名字叫范筑先。这个正直善良、疾恶如仇的旧军人在与共产党领袖和高级将领们日渐密切的交往接触中,思想发生了较大变化,毅然走上了与共产党、八路军合作抗日的道路。 范筑先1881年12月12日出生在馆陶县南颜寺村(今河北省馆陶县寿山寺村)一个农民家庭。他原名范金标,1904年投军,先后被提拔为副兵、正目、哨官。1911年中华民国成立后,北洋陆军第四镇改为中央陆军第四师,他先后被提升为炮兵连长、炮兵营长、补充团长、师参谋长、第八旅旅长。1924年苏浙战争爆发,他所在的皖系军阀卢永祥部战败,他改名“竹仙”隐居上海。1926年北伐战争开始,他心情
In the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, there was a country-famous man in the northwest battlefield of Lushan, whose name was Fan Zhu Xian. This honest, ruthless, and veteran soldier made great changes in his contacts with the leaders and senior generals of the Communist Party. He resolutely embarked on the road of cooperation with the Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army in resisting Japan. Fan Zhu Xian December 12, 1881 was born in Guantao County, South Yan Temple Village (now Guantao County, Shoushan Temple Village) a peasant family. He formerly Fan Jinbiao, voted in 1904, has been promoted to lieutenant, head, whistle officer. After the establishment of the Republic of China in 1911, the Fourth Army of the Northern Army was changed to the fourth division of the Central Army. He was promoted to artillery commander, artillery battalion commander, supplemental head commander, chief of staff of staff, brigade of the eighth brigade. In 1924, when the Soviet-Zhejian war broke out, Lu Yongxiang, the warlord of Anhui, where he was defeated, renamed him “Zhu Xian” and lived in seclusion in Shanghai. In 1926 the Northern Expedition started, he felt