我国轴承工业在毛主席的无产阶级革命 路线指引下,建国以来有了很大发展。以采 用新工艺、新技术、新装备和改革旧设备为 中心的技术革新技术革命群众运动蓬勃发 展,技术水平有了较大的提高。在轴承套圈 毛坯的生产工艺和装备方面创造了独特的加 工方法和新型的工艺装备,提高了产品产量 和质量,取得了显著的技术经济效果。遵照 伟大领袖毛主席“要认真总结经验”的教 导,现就了解到的情况,引用具有代表性的 资料,对我国轴承套圈毛坯的生产工艺及其 装备作一综合介绍,并提出我们的初浅看 法。由于我们向兄弟单位学习了解不够,调 查研究工作作得不够深入,仅就搜集到的一 部分工厂的有关资料,进行综合分析整理。
Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s proletarian revolutionary line, the bearing industry in our country has made great progress since the founding of the People’s Republic. The revolutionary mass movement based on the adoption of new technology, new technology, new equipment and reform of old equipment has been booming and the technical level has been greatly improved. In the bearing ring blank production process and equipment to create a unique processing methods and new technology and equipment, improve product yield and quality, and achieved significant technical and economic results. Following the teachings of Chairman Mao, the great leader, “we should conscientiously sum up experiences”, we hereby make a comprehensive introduction to the production technology and equipment of the bearing ring blank in our country based on the information we have learned and reference to the representative materials. Shallow view Because we did not know enough enough about our brother units, the investigation and research work did not go far enough. We only conducted a comprehensive analysis of the collected data on some factories.