1.生石灰可作为水源、池水pH值的调节剂 养鱼用水要求pH值在6.5~8.5的范围,但在养殖期间,由于施肥、投饵和生物代谢的积累,使池水向酸性转化,在偏酸性水中藻类生长受到抑制,肥水很难,并会产生一系列的酸反应,形成有害产物致使鱼生长慢、易患病、病原微生物繁殖快。根治这一危害的有效方法就是每半月向池中泼洒生石灰乳一次,使池水pH值保持在7以上的
1. Lime can be used as a water source, the pH regulator of water Fish water requirements pH value in the range of 6.5 to 8.5, but during the cultivation, due to the accumulation of fertilization, feeding and biological metabolism, so that the water to acidic transformation, in the partial Acidic water algae growth inhibition, fertilizer and water is difficult, and will produce a series of acid reaction, the formation of harmful products resulting in slow growth of fish, susceptible to disease, rapid propagation of pathogenic microorganisms. An effective way to cure this danger is to spray the lime milk once every half month to keep the pH of the water at above 7