对菲律宾雨养旱地、雨养低地和灌溉田以稻为基础的农民和实验种植方式,进行能量平衡和能量投入、产出效益的评价。显示:①实验方式的光能利用率比农民方式高33%—66%。②随着种植方式从雨养地农民方式→雨养地实验方式→集约化灌溉方式的演进,每公顷籽粒产量均将翻番。③能量投入,农民方式2—9 GJ/ha,均为有机能;实验方式6—39.6 GJ/ha,无机能占总投能的47%—95.4%。各类种植方式的能量产投比为6—31.7,随投入增加而下降。④实验方式的边际效益成本比(MBCR)均高于农民方式,表明均可替代农民方式。此外,还对该地区的农业发展方向和技术途径作了某些探讨。
In the Philippines, rain-fed drylands, low-rainfall areas and irrigated rice-based farmers and experimental planting methods, the energy balance and energy input, output evaluation. Show: ① experimental light energy efficiency than the farmer way 33% -66%. ② With the mode of cultivation from the way of rain-fed peasants → rain-fed land experiment → intensive irrigation, the grain yield per hectare will double. ③ energy input, farmers mode 2-9 GJ / ha, are organic; experimental mode 6-39.6 GJ / ha, inorganic energy accounted for 47% -95.4% of total energy. The energy production / investment ratio of all kinds of planting methods is 6-31.7, decreasing with the increase of investment. (4) The marginal benefit cost ratio (MBCR) of experimental methods is higher than that of peasants, indicating that both can replace farmers. In addition, some discussions are made on the agricultural development direction and technical approaches in the area.