第一次知道桅子花,是因为席慕容的一篇散文。那是一个关于初恋的故事,写得很美。于是尽管还不知道桅子花的模样,我已不由分说喜欢上了它。 那时,我们小小的宿舍挤着8个人,常常闹得不可开交。我和上铺的祁最“臭味
The first time I knew the gardenia was because of an essay by Se Murong. It was a story about first love and it was beautifully written. So even though I don’t know what the gardenia looks like, I have said I like it. At that time, our small dormitory was crowded with eight people and it was often irritating. The most “odor” between me and the upper floor