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侗族的“女儿树”聚居在贵州的侗族,每当家里生了孩子、就要在房前屋后种上几十株或上百株杉树苗,称之为“女儿杉”,等待孩子长大结婚时、这些杉树便是新婚夫妇的家产了.傣族的“定居树”傣族人每迁到一个新的寨子居住,都要在自己的新居周围种树苗,让它生根、开花、结果.哈尼族的“龙树”云南红河畔的哈尼族,每年春天森林萌发时,要举行祭“龙树”活动,他们认为森林是哺育人类的“阿妈”,因此祭龙树时,要泼洒吉祥的水,祝愿五谷丰登,生活美满幸福.黎族的“合欢树”我国海南岛的黎族,男女青年确定爱情时,女方赠给男方两棵“订婚树”,结婚时,新 The “daughter tree” of the Dong people live in the Dong nationality of Guizhou. Whenever a child is born in the house, dozens or hundreds of fir seedlings are planted in the front of the house. They call it “Daughter Pine” and wait for the children to grow up These cedar trees are the property of the newlyweds when they get married.Dai People’s “Settling Tree” Each time a Dai is moved to a new stockade, they must plant saplings around their new home to root it, blossom it, The “Dragon Tree” of the tribe is the Hani nationality on the Red River in Yunnan Province. Every year when the forest germinates, “Dragon Tree” festival is held. They think the forest is the “grandmother” who nurtures human beings. Therefore, Water, wishes for a bumper grain harvest, happy life.Li ethnic “Acacia tree” Hainan Island, China’s Li nationality, young men and women to determine love, the woman presented to the man two “engagement tree”, marriage, the new
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Objective To investigate the roles of the cyclin D1/CDK4 and E2F-1/4 pathways and compare their work patterns in cell cycle changes induced by different doses o
新加坡法治和社会政策引导 新加坡政府的办事效率被国际权威机构认为一流,社会稳定和国民的高素质举世公认。这些都源于“依法治国”政策。法律规定:每个男性公民高中毕业后