《精细石油化工》是经国家科委批准,由中国石化天津石化公司主办的国内公开发行的技术刊物。ISSN 1003—9384:CN 12—1179;津工商广字0443号。主要报道油田化学品、日用化工产品、纺织染整助剂、催化剂、胶粘剂、表面活性剂、合成材料助剂、炼油精细化学品及有关中间体等方面的市场动向、生产应用进展和科技成就。设有“专辑”、“研究与开发”、“综述”、“分析与测试”、“国内外动态”等栏目。是从事精细石油化工的科技人员、经营管理干部以及院校师生必不可少的,适用性强的科技读物。本刊欢迎国内外厂商刊登广告,价格优惠。
“Fine Petrochemical” is a domestic technical publication approved by the State Science and Technology Commission and sponsored by Sinopec Tianjin Petrochemical Company. ISSN 1003-9384: CN 12-1179; Mainly reports on market trends, production and application progress and scientific achievements of oilfield chemicals, daily chemical products, textile finishing auxiliaries, catalysts, adhesives, surfactants, synthetic additives, refined fine chemicals and related intermediates . With “album”, “research and development”, “review”, “analysis and testing”, “dynamic at home and abroad” and other columns. Is engaged in fine petrochemical science and technology personnel, management cadres and college teachers and students essential, applicability of science and technology readings. The magazine welcome domestic and foreign manufacturers advertisements, price concessions.