
来源 :江苏城市规划 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyun888
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“交通拥堵治理”大讨论的升温使得“职住平衡”这一传统的规划理念又再一次成为关注的热点,北京、上海、广州、武汉等城市也相继开展可行性和相关政策方面的研究。“职住平衡”理念最早来源于霍华德“田园城市”中居住与就业相互临近、平衡发展的思想,其基本内涵指在某一给定的地域范围内就业人口数量与就业岗位的数量大体相当,大部分居民可以就近工作,从而减少通勤出行的距离、时耗与机动车的使用率,达到减少交通拥堵的目的。 The warming of the discussion on “Traffic Congestion Management” made the traditional planning concept of “job-balance” once again become the focus of attention. The cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Wuhan also successively carried out the feasibility and relevant policies Aspects of research. The concept of “job-and-work balance” originated from Howard's “Garden City” idea of ​​living and employment in each other's proximity and balanced development. The basic connotation means the number of employed people and the employment in a given geographical area Most of the residents can work nearby, so as to reduce the distance traveled, the time consumption and the utilization rate of motor vehicles so as to reduce the traffic congestion.