
来源 :河北林学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cklingdian
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本文以白榆密度试验的观测数据为基础,探讨了1nW与1nN直线方程斜率的变化与单位面积产量间的关系。以斜率的数值与产量关系为标准,把斜率的变化分成3个区域,以表示竞争强度对个体生长和单位面积产量的不同作用。斜率B为C时,竞争未影响到个体生长,产量随密度增加而增加,是无竞争区域;斜率B为0>E>-1时,竞争虽有抑制个体生长的作用,但单位面积产量却随着密度的增大、竞争的增强而增加,是增产竞争区域;当斜率B为-1>B≥-1.5时,竞争强度达到了既抑制个体生长又影响单位面积产量的程度,所以叫减产竞争区域。B=-1时,是增产竞争和减产竞争的分界点,叫做稳产竞争状态。指出斜率B=-1可以作为密度管理合理性的标准。斜率B=-1.5时,各密度间存在着异质性,不宜作为密度管理的基础。 In this paper, based on the observation data of the white elm density test, the relationship between the slope of 1nW and 1nN linear equations and the yield per unit area was discussed. Based on the relationship between the slope value and yield, the slope changes are divided into three regions to show the different effects of competition intensity on individual growth and yield per unit area. When slope B is C, the competition does not affect the growth of individuals and the yield increases with the increase of density, which is a non-competition area. While the slope B is 0> E> -1, although the competition inhibits the growth of individuals, the yield per unit area As the density increases, the increase of competition increases the competition area. When the slope B is -1> B≥-1.5, the competition intensity reaches the degree that restrains the individual growth and affects the yield per unit area. Competition area. When B = -1, it is the demarcation point of increasing production and reducing production competition, which is called stable production competition. Pointed out that the slope B = -1 can be used as the standard of density management rationality. Slope B = -1.5, there is heterogeneity between the density, should not be used as a basis for density management.
对比水浒人物:地轴星轰天雷凌振 凌振,祖籍燕陵,宋朝第一炮手,武艺精熟。清剿梁山泊时被阮小二捉拿,降伏梁山,为山寨掌管监造诸事十六头领之一。凌振是当时的火炮专家.他造
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分析高校图书馆有价值图书的缺藏原因,寻求有价值图书产生的要素,即作者和出版社背景的内在规律,并对藏书的采购和补缺等提出了新的构想。 This paper analyzes the reasons