你信啵!人在倒霉时候,往往夹带着幸运的契机。不然,怎么有了“塞翁失马,安知非福”这句成语哩?! 神使鬼差,少年时与文艺结下不解之缘,1958年进了文工团,团里没人搞创作,矮子里挑将军,委我以编剧重任。说实在的,我不但学识浅,而且生活底子也薄得可怜,从“家门”到“校门”,再进“单位门”,局限于“三门”框框之中,我又能创作些什么呢?可在当时,二十岁的我,并未意识到这些,凭着一股如火的热情和十分旺盛的精力,日夜不停写呀写呀,几年中也发表了数十篇应时之作和上演了一大一小两个剧目,不过,它与我的退稿相比,仅占百分之几罢了。我的投稿命中率低得吓人,有时,一天,能接到三五封退稿信。这些退稿信,出自不同的编辑之手,却提出一个相同的退稿原因:人物少个性,语言欠生动。面对着一堆次品,我还没悟出个所以然,一场暴风骤雨便迎面袭来,霎时,“见铅字的”和“没见铅字的”皆成毒草,白纸黑字,罪责难逃。1967年定性,“帽子”拿在群众手里,下放农村劳动。偌大城市,没有我立锥之地,“妻离,子散、家破、人未亡”,除了四卷“毛选”,一无所有。 我的“下放”,一竿子到底,落户在生产小队,整日价与农民为伍,日出而作,日落而息,阴雨天圪就在牛屋里
You believe! When people are bad luck, often with a lucky opportunity. Otherwise, how did you get rid of the idiom “Sai Wengma Ma, Anzhi Fei”? God makes ghosts poor, juvenile and literature and art regretted the bonds of indissoluble bond, entered the art troupe in 1958, the regiment no one engage in creation, dwarf pick general, appoint me to screenwriter heavy responsibility. To be honest, not only do I learn shallow, but I also have a very poor foundation in life. From the “home” to the “school gate”, and then into the “unit door”, I am confined to the “three” box. What can I create? At that time, I was twenty years old and I did not realize these things. With a passion for fire and a very energetic energy, I kept writing and writing day and night and published dozens of articles in a few years And played a big one small two repertoire, but it is compared with my rejection of only a few percent. My contribution to the hit rate is scary, sometimes, one day, can receive 35 replies letter. These rejection letters, coming from different editors, put forward the same reason for rejection: the character is less individualized and the language is less vivid. Faced with a bunch of defective, I have not realized why, a storm hit the face hit, an instant, “see the type” and “no type” are all poisonous weeds, black and white, guilty of misdemeanors. Qualitative 1967, “hat” in the hands of the masses, the decentralization of rural labor.偌 big cities, there is no place I stand condolences, “wife away, children scattered, broken home, no death”, in addition to four volumes of “Mao election” nothing. My “decentralization”, a pole in the end, settled in the production team, the full day price and the farmers, the sunrise, and the sunset, rainy days in the cattle house