家兔,现代英文写作 Rabbit,德文写作 Kaninchen,它是人类驯化的穴兔(Wild rabbit,学名 LepusCuniculus),属啮齿目(Rodentia)兔科(Leporidae),也是啮齿类动物中成为人类家畜的唯一代表。诚然,在我们所知的啮齿类动物中,天竺鼠也被人类所饲养,但严格来说,天竺鼠是供科学试验而饲养的,不是一般意义上的家畜。在近现代,一般亚热带和温带地区几乎到处都可见到野生兔子,而人类要捕获它们并作为家畜饲养可想而知也是比较容易的。在古代,野兔亦很早与人类的文化发生了联系,尤其是兔子那种特有的长耳形态、机警
Rabbit, modern English writing Rabbit, written in German Kaninchen, a human rabbit (LepusCuniculus) domesticated by the genus Leporidae and a member of the family Rodentia Leporidae and the only rodent to become human representative. It is true that in our known rodents, guinea pigs are also kept by humans, but strictly speaking, guinea pigs are kept for scientific experiments and are not livestock in the general sense. In modern times, wild rabbits can be seen almost everywhere in the subtropical and temperate regions, and it is easy for humans to capture them and conceive them as livestock. In ancient times, hare also early with the human culture has been linked, especially the rabbit that long-ear morphology that special, alert