I. Basic Attitudes Towards Foreign Capital The Philippine government welcomes foreign investment in areas that can promote its economic development, while on the other hand, it restricts foreign investment in areas where domestic entrepreneurs have already developed. Since the enactment of the Investment Encouragement Act in 1967, the Philippine government has selected the industrial sector that encourages investment. While prescribing various preferential measures, the Philippine government has also clearly stipulated various measures to limit foreign investment. Aquino regime was established in February 1986, at present we do not know what kind of foreign policy the regime will take. During the presidential election, Mrs. Corazon Aquino affirmed that she welcomed the foreign investment in the field of underemployment of ethnic capital. It is estimated that the regime’s basic attitude toward foreign investment will not change much, but may encourage the priority investment in the industrial sector Selected, preferential measures, investment applications for approval of the implementation of policies and other aspects there will be considerable changes. Incidental mention