What is Patriotism? Lenin said: “Patriotism is one of the deepest feelings for one’s own homeland, fixed for thousands of years.” With this feeling, people can serve the interests of the motherland. In order to defend the interests of the motherland at the expense of all personal and even life. Patriotism has extremely profound and extensive connotations and differs according to the differences in class standpoints and historical changes. Under the guise of “patriotism ”, imperialist hegemonism often provokes contradictions between nations and nations, promotes national egoism and grand chauvinism, and serves the aggressive policies and wars. The proletariat combines patriotism with internationalism. It not only loves its own motherland and nation, opposes the invasion by foreign enemies, but also opposes the oppression and plunder of other countries and nations by the exploiting classes, and integrates the interests of all ethnic groups with the common interests of all mankind.