A colonic anal anastomosis is performed by stages, and the excess colon needs to be removed approximately half a month after surgery. The traditional method is to remove the excess colon with a scalpel or an electric knife after epidural anesthesia or perianal infiltration anesthesia, and suture with goat’s intestines to stop bleeding and make it heal well. After the effective period of anesthesia, there will be severe and prolonged pain in the anus, often requiring drugs such as pethidine to relieve pain. In order to overcome the shortcomings of the traditional methods, in 1991, Chen Xiangui, deputy director of the Department of Colorectal Cancer at Zhejiang Provincial Cancer Hospital, designed and produced an extra colonic shedding device (illustration). The device is easy to use, does not have to be sutured, does not require anesthesia, such as in the operation does not damage the anal canal skin without pain