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实行政企分开后,商业行政机构的会计部门应从“法治、育才、管理、信息、协调”五个方面作好工作. 一、加强法治.《会计法》的施行为会计部门和会计人员行使职权提供了法律保障,今后行政机构的财务部门对企业的监督、管理,应以“法”为准绳,对企业会计部门和会计人员执法左右为难的问题要给以支持,同时也要帮助企业会计人员,端正思想,做执法、守法的表率.基层的财会人员由于依法履行职责而遭打击报复,主管部门应当伸张正气,严明法纪. 二、培养人才.目前企业的会计队伍有在“青黄不接”和“知识更新”两大问题.行政机构的财务部门要把会计技术咨询服务、新手的技术培训、老手的知识更新列入 After the separation of government from enterprise, the accounting department of the commercial administration should make its work from the following five aspects: “rule of law, education, management, information and coordination.” I. Strengthening the Rule of Law The Implementation of the Accounting Law Exercises Power for Accounting Departments and Accountants Provide legal protection, the future financial supervision of the executive branch of the enterprise, the management should be based on “law” as the yardstick, the accounting department of enterprises and accounting personnel to enforce the law about the difficulties to be given support, but also to help business accounting personnel , Correct thinking, law enforcement, abide by the law .Examination of grassroots financial accountants were retaliated retaliation due to the performance of their duties according to law, the competent departments should be done, righteousness and discipline .Second, training personnel.At present, corporate accounting team in the “green” and “ Knowledge update ”two major issues.Administrative financial departments should accounting technology consulting services, novice technical training, veteran knowledge update included
俄藏黑水城TK27P西夏文佛经背裱补字纸残片原被定为《西夏或元代残契》,本文经过重新研究,认为前两个残片应为西材植文书残片,后一残片应为佛经残片。 After the study of t
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