1 紫花苜蓿1.1 种植条件 紫花苜蓿为豆科苜蓿属多年生草本植物,根系发达,喜温耐旱,抗寒能力强,适应性广。适于年降水量250~450mm、无霜期100d以上的地区种植,成年植物能忍耐-20~-30℃的低温。不耐水淹,水淹24h以上即死亡,地下水位低于1m的地区不适宜种植。对土壤要求不高,但最适宜在中性或弱碱性土壤生长。
1 Alfalfa 1.1 planting conditions Alfalfa Medicago sativa is a perennial herbaceous plants, developed root system, temperature and drought tolerance, cold ability, wide adaptability. Suitable for annual rainfall of 250 ~ 450mm, frost-free period 100d above planting, adult plants can tolerate -20 ~ -30 ℃ low temperature. Impatient flooding, flooding above 24h or death, groundwater table below 1m is not suitable for planting. Less demanding on the soil, but most suitable for growing in neutral or weakly alkaline soil.