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颁奖词航天钧和科技有限公司开发的有源电力滤波器(APF)项目依托航天先进技术,可滤除电网谐波,提高电网稳定性,保护用电设备,其各项性能指标达到国内先进水平,节能率达到4%,具有广阔的市场前景,是北京精密机电控制设备研究所实现航天技术应用、推进军民融合发展的重要项目。项目简介中国航天科技集团公司所属中国运载火箭技术研究院北京精密机电控制设备研究所的全资子公司航天钧 The awards Powerful APF project developed by Hangtianjun Technology Co., Ltd. relies on advanced aerospace technology to eliminate power grid harmonics, improve power grid stability and protect power equipment. Its performance indicators have reached the advanced domestic level , Energy-saving rate of 4%, has a broad market prospects, is the Beijing Institute of Precision Control Equipment Electromechanical applications of space technology, promote the integration of civil and military development projects. Project Profile China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation owned China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Institute of Precision Electrical and Mechanical Control Equipment, a wholly owned subsidiary of Aerospace Jun