
来源 :云南警官学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:only_xin
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本论文着眼于国际刑事犯罪公约英译汉官方版本的翻译特色分析、评价,力图在我国法律英语翻译水平相对滞后的学术和实务氛围中,为奋战在跨国犯罪执法、司法第一线的法律工作者,尤其是国际刑侦第一线的公安干警们提供更准确更合理的法条参考文本。文章撷取《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》这一具有典型代表性的国际刑事犯罪公约的官方文本,作者在该领域进行了初步探索,并给出了理论及现实意义上的必要思考。 This essay focuses on the analysis and evaluation of the translation features of the official version of the English translation of the Convention on International Criminal Offenses, and seeks to make it a legal work in the forefront of law enforcement and judicial work of transnational crimes in the academic and practical atmosphere in which the translation of legal English is lagging behind. Especially the police officers at the forefront of international criminal investigation, provide more accurate and reasonable reference texts of the law. The article picks up the official text of the representative convention on international criminalization of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. The author made a preliminary exploration in this field and gave necessary theoretical and practical considerations.
针对隧道掘进机(tunnel boring machine,TBM)刀盘设计过程中盘形滚刀布局的刀间距和贯入度问题,综合岩石力学、弹塑性力学和断裂力学,并运用有限元方法建立了TBM刀盘滚刀的动态破