糖尿病足及缺血性下肢血管病是导致患者截肢致残的主要原因 ,一旦发生尚无有效的治疗方法。我们于 2 0 0 1年12月开始应用血管内超声消融术和动脉内导管留置术治疗糖尿病足及其它缺血性下肢血管病 3 4例 ,取得较好疗效 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料1 1 一般资料 本组 3 4例均为
Diabetic foot and ischemic lower extremity vascular disease is the leading cause of amputation and disability in patients, once there is no effective treatment. We started in December 2001 the application of intravascular ultrasound ablation and intra-arterial catheter indwelling diabetic foot and other ischemic lower extremity vascular disease in 34 cases, and achieved good results, are as follows. 1 Clinical data 1 1 General Information The group of 34 cases are