湖北省国家税务局关于增值税专用发票最高开票限额有关事项的公告 湖北省国家税务局公告[2017]第6号

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为规范增值税专用发票最高开票限额事项的办理,保障纳税人合法权益,根据《国家税务总局关于简化增值税发票领用和使用程序有关问题的公告》(国家税务总局公告2014年第19号)的规定,结合我省实际,现将我省增值税专用发票最高开票限额有关事项公告如下:一、实地查验范围除纳税信用级别为A级的纳税人及其分支机构外,一般纳税人申请增值税专用发票最高开票限额一百万元及以上的,主管国税机关需事前进行实地查验。 In accordance with the Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on Issues Concerning the Proceedings of Using and Clearing Value-Added Tax Invoices (State Administration of Taxation Announcement No. 19 of 2014), in order to regulate the handling of the maximum invoicing limit of value-added tax special invoices and protect the legitimate rights and interests of taxpayers, , Combined with the actual situation in our province, the province is now the maximum invoice value-added tax invoices matters related to the announcement is as follows: First, the field inspection range In addition to the tax credit level A-level taxpayers and their branches, the general taxpayer for value-added Tax invoices up to a maximum billing of one million yuan and above, in charge of the tax authorities in advance to conduct field inspections.