
来源 :华中师范大学研究生学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Purview
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民国时期是中国历史教学论学科形成与发展的重要阶段,胡哲敷的《历史教学法》是该时期历史教学论思想的代表。在胡哲敷的体系中,历史教学法作为教育学子学科的主体地位得到了明确,但其与历史学的粘连性却十分明显,乃至于以历史学理论填充了学科教学论理论。尽管胡哲敷的体系还不太成熟,但其著作依然体现了对历史教学论学科的本土化所做的努力。 The period of the Republic of China was an important stage in the formation and development of Chinese history teaching theory. The “history teaching method” of Hu Zhefu was the representative of history teaching theory in that period. In Hu Zhefu’s system, history teaching as the dominant position of education discipline has been clear, but its adhesion with history is very obvious, and even filled the theory of subject theory with the theory of history. Although Hu Zhefu’s system is not yet mature, his works still embody the efforts of localization of history teaching theory.
和大多数人一样,我也喜欢在深夜读书。尤其是一些内涵深刻的文字,似乎只有在一个人安静的时候才更容易感受它,理解作者的内心世界。  《乞力马扎罗的雪》是一部意识流作品,是现实主义作家海明威的代表作之一。意识流这一手法属性,就注定了这篇作品不会像传统小说那样叙事,而是要以心理意识活动为主,以天马行空的方式对事物做出叙述。它讲述了主人公哈里和情人在非洲狩猎的时候,遇到意外,车子抛锚,自己又受伤染上疾病,于