Myths and legends-WestAtrica

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Activity 1

  Before you read,decide which word or words go with which meaning.

  a. understanding things that most people don’t understand
  b. let something fall
  C. without wanting to
  d. make something like water fall out of a cup
  e. a small animal with eight legs
  The story of Anansi
  There was once a spider called Anansi. One day he took all the wisdom in the world and put it in a box. He closed the box but was still worried that someone might steal it.So he took the box to the tallest tree in the village. He tried to carry it and climb the tree but he fell down. He tried again and fell. And then again. He was becoming more and more angry.
  A little child was watching Anansi trying to climb the tree with the box in his arms.He laughed and laughed.“Why don’t you carry it on your back?”said the child. “Thisway,you can climb the tree." Anansi was soupset that a young child had a better mind than he had that he dropped the box by mistake. All the wisdom fell out. At that moment,a storm started and took the wisdom to the river. Then the river took it out to sea. Then the sea took it all over the world.
  This is why there is now a little bit of wisdom for everyone.

Activity 2

  Read the story and put what happened in order(first,second,third,etc.).
  a. Anansi was upset that someone else was cleverer than him.
  b. Anansi put the wisdom in a box.
  c. The wisdom spilled out of the box.
  d. The river took the wisdom to the sea.
  e. A child laughed at Anansi.
  f. Anansi tried to climb the tree.
  g. The storm took the wisdom to the river.

Activity 3

  Complete the table below with the verb in the past simple or the infinitivewithout ’to’(see examples).

Activity 4

  Complete the sentencesbelow with the past simple.
  Yesterday(1)______(be)a very bad day. I(2)______(get up)too late because I(3)______(not hear)the alarm. Myboss(4)______(shout)at me.Then I(5)______(leave)workin the evening and(6)______(go)to a restaurant to meet mygirlfriend. She(7)______(notcome)so I(8)______(eat)alone and all the waiters(9)______(laugh)at me.

Activity 5

  What do you think about this story?Do you have a story like it your country?
  Why did the spider want to keep all the wisdom for himself?

  Activity 1:1. e; 2. c;3. a; 4.d;5. bActivity 2:b,f,e,a,C,g,
  Activity 3
当新年的一缕缕阳光洒到09年元旦的时候,我始觉一年过得真快!  此刻我正在阅读法国作家勒内·弗洛里奥的小说《错案》,他深情地告诉人们,“请不要认为您是一位行为端正的好父亲、好丈夫、好公民,就一辈子不会与当地的法官打交道。实际上,即使是最诚实、最受尊敬的人,也有可能成为司法部门的受害者。什么样的事情会使您被看成是不诚实的人,甚至是罪人呢?这种不幸的事情是存在的,这就是司法工作中裁判的错误。不要以为您
小朋友,你见过会排队的动物吗?你知道它们为什么要这样做吗?  企鹅  为了能够顺利行走,企鹅采取纵队前行的方式。带头的企鹅把软塌塌的冰雪踩实,后面的企鹅走起来就轻松多了。  大雁  长途飞行中,大雁总是排成“人”字形或“一”字形。前面的大雁挥动翅膀时,身后会形成低气压区,减少空气阻力,跟在后面的大雁会飞得更轻松。  鴨子  通常,小鸭子孵化出壳后首先看到的是鸭妈妈。之后,它们会排成一队跟着妈妈学习
小辈辈从开满蒲公英的草地上钻出来,就发现了一大朵毛茸茸的“花”,可花怎么还叽叽叫呢?凑过去仔细瞧,是一只鹅黄色的小鸡,它的脑袋瓜儿使劲往翅膀里藏,蜷着小小的身子,正微微发抖呢。  “小鸡,你走丢了吧?不要怕。”小辈辈温柔地说。他抬头看了看四周,没有发现鸡妈妈,也没有其他小鸡。“先跟我一起玩儿吧,我带你找妈妈。哦,叫你‘小毛球’好不好?”  “叽叽叽……”小鸡叫了几声。  “小鸡答应了!”小辈辈开心
中国是礼仪之邦,“礼”是中国文化的精髓,“好礼”、有礼、注重礼仪是人立身处世的重要美德。  There are many, many animals in an animal city, such as peacocks, 1)buffalo,elephants, sheep, dogs, cats, etc. One of peacocks is very beautiful. He is pr
2007年1月8日,香港大会堂,香港2007年法律年度开启典礼。  一年一度的法律年度开启典礼是香港法律界的一件大事。在典礼上,法律界人士聚首一堂,听取4位法律界核心人物的精彩演讲。演讲的主旨在于强调法治对保障公民的权利和自由的重要,当然不同年度会有不同的侧重点。今年的演讲中,还出现了令人意想不到的一幕。  今年我有幸获得邀请前去观礼。当天下午4点,我从律政司拿到邀请信件。拆开信封,里面有3件物品
梅根·霍华德和她的密友萨曼莎·库斯克一同住在丹佛市,她们都是学生。每当萨曼莎早上有课时,梅根便会帮忙照看她两岁的女儿汉娜。  梅根的宠物威利是只非常聪明的鹦鹉。威利真的很有趣,也非常健谈。它毫不费力地就学会了一套健康的词汇(“愚蠢的威利”是它最爱说的),还十分善于模仿。另外,它还可以准确地用口哨吹出《安迪·格里菲斯秀》的主题曲。  2006年的一天,萨曼莎正在学校里上课。家中,汉娜聚精会神地看着晨
小云朵站在草地上唱歌:“洋娃娃和小熊跳舞,跳呀跳呀,一二一;他们在跳圆圈舞呀,跳呀跳呀,一一一……  这是一支古老、欢快、有魔力的歌。小云朵唱啊,唱啊,唱了一遍又一遍……  两只小狐狸从树丛后走出来。他们静静地听着小云朵唱歌,用手轻轻地打着拍子。  很快,他们就情不自禁地随着小云朵的歌声跳起了舞:“小熊小熊点点头呀,点点头呀,一二一;小洋娃娃笑起来啦,笑呀笑呀,一二一……  不一会儿,三只小獾也加
1.小女孩乐乐得到了一个红色的小气球,她用水彩笔在小气球上画了眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴。“如果你能飞到我妈妈身边,替我祝她生日快乐,那该多好啊!”乐乐自言自语道。  2.一阵风吹过,神奇的事情发生了。小气球眨眨眼睛,开始说话了:“你好啊,乐乐,我可以飞到你妈妈身边哦。”  乐乐又吃惊又开心地问:“我妈妈在北京出差,不能回家过生日,你真的能飞到她身边吗?”“当然可以。”小气球认真地说。  3.乐乐给小气球看
一    列车到达长沙时是早上7点,雾蒙蒙的天空飘着细雨,嫩油油的青苗泛着春光,湖南特有的白墙黑顶房屋和散缀黄花的水田似一幅淡淡的水墨画。比起北方的光秃寒冷来这里的嫩绿葱翠实在是令人心仪。  我们首先驱车去乌石,那是彭德怀将军的故居所在地。  没有韶山毛主席故居的郁郁葱葱、天人气和,没有花明楼刘少奇故居的占地广阔、修建气派。这里宁静平和、朴实无华。彭德怀故居的院落不大,房间也很普通,不寻常的只是院