近日国家经贸委官员在京透露了“十五”期间我国钢铁、有色、建材、石化、煤炭产业结构调整的主要目标。(1)钢铁工业方面。到 2 0 0 5年 ,宝钢、鞍钢、武钢和首钢 4家大型企业集团钢产量占全国钢产量的比重要由目前的 30 %提高到 5 0 % ,力争有 2家大型钢铁企业集团进入国际钢?
Recently, officials of the State Economic and Trade Commission in Beijing disclosed the main objectives of the restructuring of China’s steel, nonferrous metals, building materials, petrochemical, and coal industries during the “10th Five-Year Plan” period. (1) Iron and steel industry. By the year of 2005, the ratio of steel output of Baosteel, Anshan Iron and Steel, Wuhan Iron and Steel and Shougang’s four large enterprise groups to national steel production has increased from the current 30% to 50%, and two large steel group companies are striving to enter the international steel group. ?