
来源 :邮电企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cq2427
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邮电企业应当强调集中统一还是强调简政放权?上下议论纷纭。各级邮电企业,都是全国邮电通信网的组成部分。全国邮电通信是一个有机整体,邮电企业之间,以及企业内部各个环节之间,必须紧密协作配合,服从集中统一的指挥调度,遵守统一的规章制度和操作规程,建立严格的责任制度。特别在邮电业务处理上,地方必须服从中央,支线必须服从干线,被领导局要服从业务领导局的指挥调度。也可以这样认为,全国邮电是一个大企业,各级邮电企业都是它的分支机构。因此,邮电企业不能笼统地讲简政放权。但是,全国邮电通信网既是由各级邮电企业组成,通信任务毕竟要依靠各个邮电企业才能实现,理应给基层邮电企业一定的经营自主权,增强它们的活力。没有基层企业的活力,也就没有邮电全网 Post and telecommunications enterprises should emphasize centralized reunification or emphasis on decentralization? There are divergent opinions. Posts and telecommunications enterprises at all levels are all part of the national telecommunications network. The national post and telecommunications are an organic whole. The post and telecommunications enterprises as well as all internal links within the enterprise must work in close cooperation and coordination and follow a unified and unified command and control system. They must abide by unified rules and regulations and operational procedures and establish a strict liability system. Especially in postal business processing, local governments must obey the central government, and local branches must obey the main line and are subject to the leadership of the leading business bureau. It can also be thought that the national post and telecommunications are a large enterprise and all post and telecommunications enterprises at all levels are its branches. Therefore, postal and telecommunications enterprises can not generally concise and decentralization. However, the national post and telecommunications network is composed of posts and telecom companies at all levels. After all, communication tasks must be relied on by all post and telecommunications companies. It is reasonable that they should give their postal operators autonomous autonomy and enhance their vitality. No grass-roots business vitality, there is no post and telecommunications the entire network
1966年Ramirez首先将支气管肺泡灌洗术(bronchoalveolar lavage,BAL)应用于一侧全肺灌洗治疗肺泡蛋白沉积症以来,后人在积累经验,改进操作技术基础上,使BAL的应用范围不断扩
应用蝮蛇抗栓酶治疗脑血栓,近些年来相继有报道,总有效率83~100%。本院1988年11月~1989年6月,应用蝮蛇抗栓酶治疗脑血栓30例,现将临床观察结果报告如下: 一般资料本组病例共62
脑干听觉诱发电位: 对单耳的短暂刺激(咯嗒声),周围听觉器官(第Ⅷ对颅N)及有关的脑干结构(耳蜗核、外侧丘系的传导束和核及下丘产生的连续的电反应称为脑干听觉诱发电位(以