
来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wzw919
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目的:了解非法行医现状,综合分析非法行医屡禁不止的原因,探讨打击非法行医的长效工作机制。方法:对广西壮族自治区2013年10月—2014年9月开展的进一步整顿医疗秩序打击非法行医专项行动情况进行分析。结果:专项行动期间,共查处无证行医966件,查处医疗卫生机构违法违规行为869件,处理投诉举报605件。无证行医主要集中在城乡结合部,以无证黑诊所为主要表现形式。医疗卫生机构违法行为以诊疗活动超出登记范围最为多见。结论:由于非法行医的根本成因没有彻底消除,非法行医现象仍然屡禁不止,尚需多方努力,完善医疗卫生保障体系,加强部门联动,加大执法力度,标本兼治、综合治理、常抓不懈。 Objective: To understand the status quo of illegal medical practice and to analyze the reasons for the repeated prohibition of illegal medical practice and to explore the long-term working mechanism against illegal medical practice. Methods: An analysis was conducted on the special campaign to combat illegal medical practices in the medical order in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region from October 2013 to September 2014. Results: During the special operation, a total of 966 cases were investigated and dealt with without a license, 869 cases of illegal activities were investigated and dealt with, and 605 cases were handled. Unlicensed practicing mainly concentrated in the urban-rural combination of undocumented black clinics as the main form of expression. Medical and health institutions to clinics outlaw violations most common. Conclusion: Since the fundamental causes of illegal medical practice were not completely eliminated, illegal medical practice still lasted for many times. We still need to make concerted efforts to improve the medical and health insurance system, strengthen the linkage between departments, intensify law enforcement efforts, address both the symptoms and root causes and comprehensive treatment, and always persevere.
2016年,中国财政赤字已经高达2.18万亿元。并且今后财政赤字只会增加。很难减少,改革财税体制迫在眉睫。  在这样的情势下,“中国新财税主义三十人论坛”于8月8日在中国人民大学举行。“目前我国的税收结构还是以企业增值税为主。可以预测的是。在未来十年中,所得税将会超越增值税成为中国的第一大税收;而在未来二十年后,消费税将会成为中国的第一大税种。”中国人民大学中国与世界经济治理研究项目负责人高连奎强
2004年,襄城县在河南省县域经济综合实力排序中曾被列为十个快进县之一。2005年,在第五届中国中部六省百强县市评比中位居58 名,并列为呈综合竞争力上升态势的9个县市之一;在