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青杨楔天牛[Saperda populnea(Li nnaeus)]是我国重要检疫害虫。近些年来在内蒙古东西部地区为害猖獗,造成大面积杨树干枯死亡。作者经多年定位观察,搞清了该虫的生物学特性。为了进一步了解其生态特性,为综合防治、虫情测报提供理论依据,于1988年又对该虫空间分布型及抽样技术进行了探讨。研究结果:该虫在内蒙古一年发生一代,以老熟幼虫在枝干的虫瘿中越冬;越冬老熟幼虫在林间服从奈曼A型分布,以对角线为最适抽样法。依据Iwao的统计方法,利用公式:N=1╱(D~2)((a+1)╱X+β-1)可列出不同虫口密度下抽样理论数。青杨楔天牛又名青杨天牛、山杨天牛、杨树枝天牛。隶属鞘翘目,叶甲总科,天牛科,沟胫天牛亚科,楔天牛属。在国内分布广泛,为害杨柳科植物。据统计该虫在内蒙古发生面积40余万亩(呼和浩特市29400亩,赤峰市302600亩)。形成大面积“小老树”和枯死树,严重影响成林成材和防护效益。笔者在赤峰市和呼和浩特市经多年的定位系统观察,摸清了该虫的主要生物学特性,并对其分布型及抽样技术进行了探讨,现将结果整理如下。 Saperda populnea (Li nnaeus) is an important quarantine pest in China. In recent years, rampant rampant in the eastern and western regions of Inner Mongolia, resulting in a large area of ​​dry poplar death. The author after many years of positioning observation, figure out the biological characteristics of the worm. In order to further understand its ecological characteristics, to provide a theoretical basis for comprehensive prevention and control, insect detection, in 1988 and the spatial distribution of the insect and sampling techniques were discussed. The results showed that the insects in Inner Mongolia a generation a year, with mature larvae in the branches of the worm overwintering; overwintering mature larvae in the forest to follow the Neman A-type distribution, with the diagonal as the best sampling method. According to the statistical method of Iwao, the theoretical number of samples at different population densities can be listed using the formula: N = 1 / (D ~ 2) ((a + 1) ╱X + β-1) Green young wedge Celadon, also known as Green Yang Tian cattle, Yang Tian Tian cow, poplar branch day beetle. Under the order of the sheath Alice head, leaf armor, Cerambycidae, tibiatidae subfamily, Wedgethorn. Widely distributed in the country, the damage willow plant. According to statistics, the insects occurred in Inner Mongolia, an area of ​​more than 40 acres (29,400 acres in Hohhot, Chifeng 302600 acres). The formation of a large area of ​​“small trees” and dead trees, seriously affecting the success of forests and protective benefits. The author in Chifeng City and Hohhot after years of positioning system observation, find out the main biological characteristics of the pest, and its distribution and sampling techniques were discussed, the results are summarized below.
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