This paper briefly reviews and summarizes the history of high-speed automated analysis in our country in the late 1950s, analyzes and compares the achievements of foreign countries in the field of high-speed chemical analysis and automation in recent years, and points out that all kinds of contemporary physical analysis methods Especially the spectrum, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy, etc.) has opened up a new situation in the analysis of chemistry, widely used in the wet chemical analysis of high-speed posed new challenges. The pressing task now is to expand the achievements of high-speed chemical analysis with outstanding results and speed up the use of modern electronic and computer technologies to further improve the automation of high-speed chemical analysis and make it an important tool for the analysis of iron and steel furnaces in China and finished product analysis. First, and then extended to the arbitration analysis and standard analysis and even geology, soil, medical, environmental protection and other areas of analysis to create a situation suited to China’s wet chemical high-speed chemical analysis of the new situation.