They Think like Sages and Fight like Heroes

来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haungmg666
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  Heroes are cultivated when they are young. Eileen Chang, a famous Chinese writer, once said: “To be known as early as possible”. Liu Qing, another famous Chinese writer said: “Although life’s path is long, what really matter are just a few steps, especially when you are young.” Liang Qichao, a representative of Reformists in modern China, said: “If the young people of a country are wise, then the country is wise; if the young people of a country are wealthy, then the country is wealthy.” Young people are a special group who make us envy and admire. If we look around the world at Mao Kankan, Li Xiang, Guo Jingming and Liu Qikai from China, Daniel Radcliffe from England, Peiris from Canada and Cameron Johnson from America, we will find a group of brilliant youths with excellent wisdom changing the allocation of wealth in the world.
  Right now, more and more young people are entering into the ranks of the rich. Among them, there are Internet masters with excellent wisdom, there are prodigies of performing art with both talent and intelligence and there are also writers with loads of knowledge. They become successful in business field at a young age. They not only realize their dreams but also extend others’ dreams. They are young in their age yet they are millionaires in their assets.
  The spirits of perseverance, hardworking, bravery and ambition of those young rich are just the benchmarks of millions of young people. Their actions are vivid proofs that wealth can be gained when you are young. If you can combine ability with virtue, you can surely make a difference.
  Talents in network era
  When the labels like “the second generation of officials” and “the second generation of the rich” were struck onto those teenager millionaires, jealousy and insult keep coming to them. Most people, on one hand, are desirous of wealth, while on the other hand, are dismissive of “ill-gotten gains”. However, some people can make others admire and become the focus of media with their wisdom and perseverance.   当“官二代”、“富二代”的标签牢牢贴在未成年富翁的身上时,嫉妒、辱骂声便不绝于耳。大多数人一方面对财富极度渴望,一方面又对“不义之财”不屑一顾。即使如此,仍然有一些人凭借自己聪慧的大脑和永不言弃的精神折服众人,成为各大媒体争相报道的焦点。
  Mao Kankan, one of China’s new rich people,, was born in 1983 and is the chief architect of MaJoy. Mao Kankan was fond of computers when he was a little child. He began playing computers in fifth grade, published articles in IT magazine at 14 years old and began developing software on his own. In 2004, Mao Kankan began starting his own business. “I made online games offline imitated the background data for implementation while the backgrounds and the players were real.”With this idea, Mao Kankan hit it off with the boss of a state-owned enterprise. Consequently, MaJoy ran officially.
  “It’s your choice to determine what to do, but once you start, you must do it well.” Those words of Mao Kankan’s mother are the reason for his perseverance. After school, as soon as he finished his supper, Mao Kankan was always immersing himself in his computer until midnight. At his first year in junior middle school, Mao Kankan applied to be a moderator of a programming forum. He racked his brain for the maintenance and development of the forum. At the third year, Mao Kankan fell in love with mountain bikes but he was still fond of computers and often developing various programs and software until midnight. This fondness of computers led Mao Kankan into IT field and to become a young talent with billions of wealth. Mao Kankan, who only has a junior high school degree, said: “ I do not care about other people’s talking about my degree. Actually I think this is what I’m most proud of. The ability, courage, divergent thinking, observance and perseverance matter most.
  17-year-old Nick D’Aloisio is also a young millionaire and one of the most popular figures this year. Born in England, Nick was interested in software since childhood. At 12, Nick learned to code software programs by himself. At 15, Nick found that only by clicking the news on Internet one by one can the news be read. So he developed application software for automatically summarizing the news. This software is “Summly”, which can automatically summarize news into abstracts and are easy to read. According to Financial Times, Yahoo has spent nearly 30 million dollars to purchase Nick’s software of “Summly”, which has made Nick D’Aloisio one of the youngest millionaires in the world.   同样是青年富翁,17岁的尼克·阿洛伊西奥是今年炙手可热的人物。出生在英国的他,从小便对软件感兴趣。12岁时,尼克·阿洛伊西奥便自学编写软件程序。15岁那年,当他看到每天的新闻都需要一条条点开来读时,他开发了一款自动总结新闻应用软件——“Summly”。这款软件可将一篇新闻自动生成为新闻摘要,便于读者阅读。据英国《金融时报》报道,雅虎公司已斥资近3000万美元收购了他的这款软件,这也将他推向了世界上最年轻富翁的行列。
  A recently published article on Xinhua net listed ten young millionaires in USA who got their first wealth before 20. The article showed that 80% of the young millionaires are getting rich on Internet. The times produce the heroes. This is a time of information explosion and Internet booming. Those young millionaires are fond of IT industry since childhood and are committed to developing it. Thus they have become the leaders of the time and also the shining stars in people’s eyes.
  Cameron Johnson from Virginia, USA made a fortune by selling goods through websites. He said that before graduating from high school, his assets had exceeded 1 million dollars. Catherine Cukor and her elder brother Dave Cukor from America founded the social network My and their net assets have totaled 10 million dollars.
  来自美国弗吉尼亚的卡梅伦·约翰逊主要通过网站销售商品致富,约翰逊说:“高中毕业前,我的资产已超过100万美元。”美国的凯瑟琳·库克和其哥哥戴夫·库克建立了My Yearbook.com社交网站,兄妹二人净资产总额高达1000万美元。
  Self-recognition leads
  to success
  In fact, everyone’s dream is precious. “Your study records can be bad but you need to be a good person.” Li Xiang, the founder of the website of Chinese Car’s Home, is a typical representative of the generation after the 1980s. Li Xiang started his personal website in high school. Due to his enthusiasm in IT products, Li Xiang and his team expanded from IT industry to car industry and founded the website of Car’s Home. No one’s career can be so smooth without twists. The development process of an enterprise is a curve with twists and turns. Self-recognition, self-analysis and self-improvement can lead to success. Li Xiang knows that a good idea can contribute to the success of an enterprise but the management of an enterprise is a matter of knowledge. He once encountered a difficulty that half of the backbone editors suddenly quitted. This sudden change made Li Xiang examine his management thinking. After that, he began to study management, read a lot of related books and learnt from successful people. Now Li Xiang’s company has developed a lot and his personal worth has exceeded 100 million yuan. Li Xiang firmly believes that it needs earnest in doing things. If the effort you put is more than others by 5%, the gains can be 200% more than others.   其实,每个人的梦想都弥足珍贵。“你可以学习成绩不好,但是你要做一个优秀的人。”中国汽车之家网站创始人李想是80后的典型代表,上高中时就开始做个人网站,凭借着自己对IT产品的满腔热血,2005年,李想带领团队从IT产品向汽车行业扩张,创建汽车之家网站。任何人的事业都不可能一帆风顺,企业的发展必然是曲折的过程。认知自我,分析自我,改进自我才能走向成功。李想知道,一个好的创意可以成就一家企业,但是管理企业是个大学问。他曾遇到过一次困境,一半的骨干网站编辑不辞而别,这个突如其来的变故,让李想开始审视自己的管理思路,之后他便开始学习管理,阅读大量的管理书籍,向成功人士取经……如今李想的公司的发展壮大,个人身价早已过亿。他坚信:“做事要认真,如果做一件事情比别人多付出5%的努力,就有可能拿到比别人多200%的回报。”
  Like the young millionaires Li Xiang, there are many young people who have self-recognition and can have a rebirth in adversity. They did not stop their steps for knowledge or forsake their self-pursuit after gaining wealth but to pursue greater success more persistently.
  True nobleness in the continuation of dreams
  Indeed, it is admirable to realize one’s dreams. What is more precious is to help others to realize their dreams. Liu Qikai was born in Jinggang Mountains, China’s old revolutionary area, in 1981. Just like the old saying goes “Children in poor families are forced to grow up fast”. Liu Qikai is commercially minded since childhood. At his fifth grade of primary school, his father let him take care of the incomes of his family from business after taking out daily expenditures and even let him take care of the monthly living expenses of his brothers and sisters. The poverty of his family made Liu Qikai know he should look for opportunities to make money for his family. In the summer of his second year in junior middle school, Liu Qikai earned his first fortune of one thousand RMB by selling grapes. After paying tuition fee, Gao Ran still got money left. At his junior year in college, Liu Qikai had a part-time job at a foreign trade company. While working, he read a lot of books on foreign trade and learnt many methods in doing business from the senior staffs. After all the preparation, Liu Qikai had equipped himself with certain foreign trade knowledge and he asked the company to give him a position in foreign trade. Thus, selling steel pipes become his first formal work in foreign trade. After getting the tasks, he immediately looked for factories on Internet and made inquires through e-mail. Hard work pays off. Liu Qikai finally got his first order after sending out over 10,000 e-mails. This made Liu Qikai see his talent in doing foreign trade. Two months later, Liu Qikai decided to start his own foreign trade company. The first problems faced by newly built-up companies are funding and import and export rights. Liu Qikai thought of the general representative office of HSBC in China. After 20 minutes’ bombarded plan presentation, the bank manager was finally convinced by him and invested millions of dollars into his project. After that Liu Qikai also accepted the service of another bank. Liu Qikai said: “I am lucky, but I think my success depends more on direct and sincere attitude and detailed and thorough business plan than on luck.” In his senior year at college, Liu Qikai, in collaboration with others, founded Tyco Corporation and served as chairman and CEO. The company is mainly engaged in international trade of steel pipes. In less than a year, the agented products of Liu Qikai’s company have been exported to dozens of countries and districts like America, Argentina, England, South Africa, Egypt, Iran and ROK.   Liu Qikai’s business is booming and even Cui Yongyuan, a famous Chinese TV host, called him “An outstanding youth with millions of assets and wisdom”. Despite all the success and praise, Liu Qikai still holds an innocent mind. Some college freshman boys and girls call him “brother forever”. Over thirty years old, Liu Qikai is still not satisfied with his achievements. “Now, I am an investor. While helping young people realize their dreams of starting business, I also realize my social value. This is my Chinese dream.”
  生意做得红红火火,连中国著名主持人崔永元都称他是“拥有亿万资产和亿万智慧的优秀青年”。可刘琦开依然保持着学生式的单纯,有些学弟学妹称他为 “永远的师兄”。已过而立之年的刘琦开并没有满足自己的成就,“现在,我的身份是投资人,帮年轻人创业、实现梦想的同时,也实现我自己的社会价值,这就是我的中国梦”。
  These young millionaires all embark on a new journey of sharing dreams. Guo Jingming, a famous and rich young writer in mainland China, founded “Zui Novels Foundation”. Once the novel is sold, part of the money will be saved into the foundation to help those poor students who want to study.
  Certainly, there are also many other young millionaires who shoulder social responsibility. Some of their deeds have been reported, while some are unknown to the public. But their hearts are always clear and bright.
  This is an age of huge transformation and also an age of huge possibilities. When people look back at those young millionaires, they have become outstanding person in business field. The characters of fighting and perseverance of them have changed the negative images of “the neet group” “the second generation of officials” and “the second generation of the rich”. They are changing the rules of games of the world and they have created legendary stories of making a fortune. Their steps are just like wheels moving forward irresistibly.
  少年富翁们也走向了传递梦想的新征程。中国内地年轻“富豪作家”郭敬明成立了“最小说基金”,每卖出一本小说就将一分钱存入基金,用于帮助那些条件艰苦而梦想念书的贫困学生。   当然,还有很多青年富翁在“以天下之至诚而尽己之性,尽人之性,尽物之性”,他们的事迹或显露于笔尖报端,或隐匿于“江湖”,但一颗赤诚的心永远清澈而明亮。
  It is said that “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” The “best” is due to the opportunities and the “worst” is due to the competitions. However, those young people are not afraid of failures and will not accept failures. If they succeed, they will not become conceited and if they fall, they will stand up. They are the best representation of wealth. Even though there are differences of each individual and the road of starting business is full of twists and turns, these young millionaires have given us a brand-new perspective of looking at things and wealth with their values and attitudes. Despite that the pattern of creating wealth cannot be repeated and success relies on various coincidences and chances, the stories of those young millionaires make us believe that the world belongs to the young people and wealth is not the privilege of grown-ups. They also make us believe that not all young millionaires rely on their fathers to become rich. Undoubtedly, the lights shown from those young people are the best proof that the younger generation will surpass the older generation.
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