如何提高学生英语写作能力是英语学习中十分重要的环节。 一、英语写作教学的现状 在英语写作教学的实践中,我们发现学生在写作过程中,始终普遍存在着这样一些问题。1.学生的语言功底差,对作文题目望而生畏。2.学生不能用规范地道的英语清楚而适当的表达思想,总是用汉语生编硬造出一些不符合英语习惯的汉式英语。3.思路紊乱,语言支离破碎。4.思想内容上显得单调乏味,谈不上什么交际能力。
How to improve students’ English writing ability is a very important link in English learning. First, the status quo of English writing teaching In the practice of English writing teaching, we found that students in the writing process, there are always such problems. 1. Students have poor language skills and are daunting on essay topics. 2. Students can not express their thoughts clearly and appropriately in standard and authentic English. They always use Chinese to create Chinese-style Chinese that is not in conformity with English habit. 3. Thinking disorder, the language fragmented. 4. Thought content seems monotonous, not to mention what communication skills.