Stylistic Approach to The Sound and the Fury:The Discourse of Idiotic Narrator

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  I. Introduction
  Narrrator is one who tells the story. In the traditions of Western literature, there are three viewpoints about narrator: 1) the narrator is the author, or the speaker of the author; 2) the narrator is beyond all the characters, situated in the all-knowing position, just like the omniscient God; 3) the narrator is one or more characters in the works. In Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury, four different “narrators” take its turn to present their vision of events to the readers. One of them is Benjy, an idiot, who is mentally subnormal and cognitively flawed, so his discourse may result in the irreliability of narration. Booth calls this kind of narrator “unreliable narrator”. As one of the greatest experimentalists, William Faulkner makes the idiotic narrator the most successful example in the 20th century. Here, I take the passages from the beginning of the novel (P 203) as a sample to analyse the discourse of Benjy.
  II. Stylistic Approach to The Sound and the Fury
  After reading the passages, we may have the instant impression that Benjy shows us a scene of playing the golf in an extremely deviant way. Benjy does not use a single golfing term to describe the game he is watching and substitutes “comme core” terms for technical ones (eg table for tee). Hence we are forced to “reinterpret” his description in order to understand them. In the whole text, the deviation from the norm appears in many aspects. In the following, I will examine the deviation in the discourse of Benjy in a detailed way.
  First, we know that the novel is narrated by “I” through the voice of Benjy, that is to say, it makes use of the first-person narration. But we find that in the extract the I-narrration abounds in stretches of third-person narration (“they” “Luster said”). This kind of mixed narration indicates that Benjy has his own way of thinking, a confused kind of thinking, and because of intelligent problem he can’t exactly understand the other’s words, what he can do is just to repeat them with direct speech. So the multi-narrative perspectives become the distinct feature of Faulkner’s writing.
  Second, scrambled chronology is another deviation. For Benjy, he has a shadowy sense of time and can’t distinguish the past, the present and the future. When he hears someone call “caddie”, Benjy is groaning, because he mistakes “caddie” for his sister “Caddy” who had gone. He just organizes his thoughts based on what he sees before his eyes and what he thinks for the time being. Benjy, like a mirror or a camera, truly records everything in front of him. For him, the time is always now, or the present. Such a deviation indicates that the character (Benjy) has a faulty or limited view of things.   Third, lexical deviation takes on its simplity and repetition which is quite evident in the text. In Benjy’s 186 words, 80.5 percent of the words are monosyllabic, the remaining 19.5 percent being disyllabic. The frequency of lexical repetition can be seen quite often. Ten words account for the thirty-four noun occurrences in the text: fence(eight), flag(five), grass(four), Luster(four), tree(four), flower (three), pasture (three), bird(one), space(one), table(one). With the possible exception of spaces, all thirty-four nouns that Benjy uses are concrete. And there are only four adjectives, curling, little, bright, and red, all of which are primarily visual. It seems that Benjy’s world is an extremely simple, restricted, concrete one, dominated by the sense of sight.
  Fourth, the simplity and repetition observed in the lexis is reinforced by those in syntax. The average sentence is only ten words long, and of the eighteen sentences which Benjy uses ten are simple, seven are compound and only two are complex. The overall simplity is very apparent. The childlike Benjy shows a tendency common in the writing of young children to string sequences of paratactic and coordinated main clauses together. Besides, many clauses and phrases are also repeated: I went along the fence(three time), Luster was hunting in the grass(twice), where the flag was(twice), I held to the fence(twice), the flower tree(twice), the bright grass(twice). Benjy’s syntax shows positive deviance from the sentence patterning of English.
  Fifth, wrong grammar is used to show the deviation from the normal situation, which signifies the distinctive characteristics of idiotic Benjy. From the text, we can see that Benjy uses transitive verbs freely as if they were intransitives, as in “he hit and the other hit.” We know from our general knowledge that hit is a transitive verb, but Benjy uses it as an intransitive verb without objects. He appears to perceive no purpose in the golfer’s actions. Another centrally transitive verb, threw, is similarly treated, and hunting is also used intransitively. The abnormality expresses that Benjy is an idiot with no rational thinking, so he does not know what they hit and what they are hunting for.
  III. Conclusion
  From the above analysis, it can be concluded that in The Sound and the Fury, William Faulkner describes and illustrates the simple and limited personality of Benjy by adopting multiple points of view and scrambled chronology. Accordingly, the diction of the narrative text is uniquely chosen to reveal the personality and the social status of the character.The simplity and repeatition of syntax and lexis in the novel also echoes the multi-narrative perspectives. Besides, the technique of deviation is used to serve the theme of the novel. The different deviations listed above are employed to depict Benjy’s simple and restricted view of world, and this kind of narration is quite fit for the mind style of idiotic narrator.
望着那些随风飘扬的蒲公英,我沉默无言。三年前的重阳,父亲去世,我的心揪着无法向任何人诉说。独自漂泊在外的人,有些事、有些话不是不想说,而是没人能说、也找不到人会听我们说,一个人的日子冷暖自知。  独自漂泊在外的人,有难,一个人受;有累,一个人担;有笑,一个人笑;有甜,一个人尝。茕茕孑立,形影相吊,一个人的日子,滋味自己独自品尝。  诚然,外面的世界很精彩,但却步步都充满了危机。我们必须步步为营,稳
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【摘要】:从古至今,与男性相比,女性这个群体一直都是作家们致力于描写的对象,而在中国现当代中,作家们往往描写女性的悲剧命运以此来揭露出暗藏在封建传统和金钱社会中的污垢。笔者通过对老舍《月牙儿》与曹禺《日出》中女性角色的对比分析,从不同方面探讨女性悲剧命运的形成及原因,进而转入对当代女性生存困境的思考。  【关键词】:月牙儿;日出;女性;悲剧;命运   女性一直以来都是文人墨客们的创作重心,但她们却
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【摘要】:《重生之大涅槃》是四川籍作者奥尔良烤鲟鱼堡(笔名)发布在起点中文网的青春穿越小说,大部分读者将其视为为“重生”类小说的标杆之一。  【关键词】:空间与历史;网络小说;《重生之大涅槃》;叙事结构  在当代,网络文学作为大众文学中的一个分支,作为类型文学的一种,其分类具有广泛性,比如言情、穿越、重生、玄幻、仙侠等,体现出了强大的生命力与广阔的市场性。网络文学的作者以80后、90后群体为主,以
一、引言  若我们谈及现代英国绘画,相信很多人会不约而同地想起弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)和卢西恩·弗洛伊德(Lucian Freud)这两个如雷贯耳的名字。但除他们之外,尤恩·乌格罗(Euan Uglow)也值得关注。他一般被人们称为“继培根和弗洛伊德之后的又一位大师”。他生于1932年,16岁学习绘画,并受到画家威廉·孔德斯居姆(William Coldstream )的影响。
【摘要】:苏童是我国当代的重要作家之一。15年获奖的《黄雀记》与之前的《刺青时代》、《一个礼拜天的早晨》、《舒家兄弟》、《南方的堕落》等作品一起构成了他的“香椿树街”系列小说。小说充满了作家的童年记忆,承载了许多少年的罪恶与暴力,塑造了放荡乖戾的女性形象。“香椿树街”系列小说是打开蘇童研究的一个重要维度。  【关键词】:苏童;香椿树街;童年记忆;少年;女性形象  每一位作家的创作都有自己独特的乡土