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《职场动物进化手册》堪称一本奇书。该书在某种程度上,已经超出通常的各种写作类式和图书划分范畴,作者能够缔造出这样一本妙趣无穷、发人深省又极具实用价值的另类作品,想必得益干他在经管和文学写作领域里的双重经验和突出才华。《职场动物进化手册》是难于归类的,这恐怕是它的作为奇书给读者留下的第一个深刻印象。或许可以勉强将之定性为“管理学小说”或者“文学化的管理学作品”吧。该书以生动的动物寓言故事的形式,诙谐风趣的拟人化笔法,深刻图解了作者独到的职场事理学理论,从中国几千年权谋文化的历史背景及人性的普遍规律出发,对西方经典管理学进行了理性的吸取和大胆的反思。的确,作者不愿全盘照搬硬套西方管理学的教条,而是以东方事理学的角度重新考析职场现象,这正是作者写作本书的主要动机,也可以说是切入问题的主干性思路。事理学,它研究的是人类做事的普遍规律,特别是如何把事情做得更 “The evolution of workplace animal handbook called a wonderful book. To a certain extent, this book has gone beyond the usual categories of writing and book division. The author can create such an interesting, thought-provoking and highly practical alternative work which must have benefited him in his work of administering Literary writing in the field of dual experience and outstanding talent. The Handbook for the Evolution of Workplace Animals is difficult to classify, which is probably the first impression it has left as an odd book for readers. Perhaps it can be barely defined as ”management fiction “ or ”literary management work ". The book vivid animal fable stories in the form of witty anthropomorphic writing method, a profound illustration of the author’s unique career theory of science, from thousands of years of China’s cultural history and the universal law of human nature, the Western classic management Learn to learn rational and bold reflection. Indeed, the author is reluctant to make a full copy of the doctrine of Western management. Instead, he re-examines the phenomenon of the workplace from the perspective of oriental affair. This is the main motivation of the author to write this book. It can also be said as the main idea of ​​cutting into the issue . It deals with the general laws of mankind’s work, especially how to do things more
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