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红色档案资源具有特定的物质载体和丰富的精神指向,除具有档案的各种基本属性外,更是对人们进行思想教育的有效载体。它印证了中国共产党领导广大人民所进行的艰难曲折的斗争历程,见证了广大人民群众为中国革命胜利所作出的重要贡献。为丰富档案资源,着力体现地方特色,各级各类档案馆应依托红色资源,深挖扩掘,奋力开拓,不断丰富馆藏红色档案资源,着力开发和利用红色档案,开展爱国主义教育基地建设,可以有力地推动档案事业发展,为繁荣红色文化、建设文化强国发挥应有的贡献。 The red file resource has a specific material carrier and a rich spiritual orientation. In addition to having all the basic attributes of the file, the red file resource is also an effective carrier of ideological education for people. It confirms the difficult struggle that the Chinese Communist Party led the broad masses of people and witnessed the important contribution made by the broad masses of the people to the victory of the Chinese revolution. In order to enrich the archives resources and strive to reflect the local characteristics, all kinds of archives at all levels should rely on the red resources to deepen their explorations and strive to open up. They should continue to enrich the red archives resources of collections, make efforts to develop and utilize the red archives, carry out the construction of patriotic education bases, It can strongly promote the development of archives and give due contribution to the prosperity of the red culture and the building of a cultural power.
【正】 可以这样说,如果一个现代人不知道精神分析学说,那么他就基本上还是一个“古典”的人。弗洛伊德的学说曾遭受过最恶责的咒骂和歪曲,一切下流的语言都曾用于辱骂这位惊