最近,国外一种新型全封闭式胶带输送机已经面市。传统的带式输送机都是开式的,输送物料时,流动空气易将粉尘带入周围环境中,而且物料也易从输送带上洒落下,造成环境污染。新的称之为Kleenbelt的全封闭式带式输送机,克服了上述缺点。 这种带式输送机配有滤袋收尘器,可以将收集的粉尘送回输送机。这种输送机取消了传统带式输送机采用的槽型托辊,但仍保留了为支承输送带和物料的中间托辊。中间托辊的两
Recently, a new type of fully enclosed tape conveyor abroad has been available. Traditional belt conveyors are open type. When transporting material, the flowing air easily brings the dust into the surrounding environment, and the material is also easily sprinkled down from the conveyor belt, causing environmental pollution. The new fully enclosed belt conveyor, called Kleenbelt, overcomes the above drawbacks. This belt conveyor is equipped with a bag filter that returns the collected dust to the conveyor. This conveyor eliminates the grooved rollers used in conventional belt conveyors but still retains the intermediate rollers that support the conveyor belts and materials. Middle roller two