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Four polycarboxylate-type (PC) superplasticizers of different functional groups were used;their dispersing and retaining behaviors were analyzed through ZETA po
A new-type underwater non-dispersible concrete admixture NDA was prepared,its function mechanism was analyzed,and C40 high performance non-dispersible underwate
红脖子病又名大脖子病,对各种规格的鳖都有危害,尤其对成鳖的危害最为严重。该病的发病率高,一般死亡率在 20%~ 30%,最高可达 60%。  该病的病原——嗜水气单胞菌是一种条件致病菌,
The components of expansive soil were analyzed with EDAX, and it is shown that the main contents of expansive soil in the northern Hubei have some significant e
A preparation technology of chloride contaminated resistant concrete was presented. The newly developed non-steady-state migration test method was employed for
大口鲶,又称南方大口鲶 (Silurus meridionds Chen),俗称大河鲶,是我国长江流域中重要的大型经济鱼类。其具有个体大 (最大的可达 40公斤 )、鲜嫩味美、骨间刺少、肉质细腻等特