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随着市场经济的不断深入发展,企业已从计划经济的深巷中走了出来,在把眼光紧盯市场的同时,也由于自身免疫力的不足,容易被市场的“流行感冒”所传染。市场一闹“热”,企业就忙不迭地赶潮,诸如“跑车热”、“方便面热”、“运动服热”、“冰箱热”等等,令人目不暇接。市场上什么时髦,什么好销,企业就一窝蜂似地紧赶急迫,杀出“热产品”。的确有不少企业转换快,搭上“热”车,大发猛发一把;然而,被热潮抛弃或吞没的企业也比比皆是。赶热潮的人,真是“几家大赚几家赔,还有几家全白费”。 就说“西装热”吧,这股风往华夏大地一刮,企业家们就坐不住了。随着广大消费者由贫变富,穿惯了中山装的中国人,开始普遍青睐西装革履的“国际风 With the continuous deepening of the market economy, companies have emerged from the deep lanes of the planned economy. While focusing their attention on the market, they are also vulnerable to the market’s “flu pandemic” because of their lack of immunity. When the market hits “hot”, companies are rushing to catch up, such as “sports car hot”, “instant noodle hot”, “sportswear hot”, “refrigerator hot” and so on. What is fashionable in the market and what is good for sale? Companies have been rushing to meet the urge to kill out “hot products”. There are indeed many companies that convert quickly, catch “hot” cars, and make a big deal; however, companies that are abandoned or engulfed by the boom are also commonplace. The people who are rushing to catch up with the tide are really “a few families make a few losses, and there are a few totally in vain.” Let’s say that the suit is hot, this wind blows to the land of China and the entrepreneurs can’t sit still. As the vast number of consumers are getting richer and poorer, Chinese people who are accustomed to wear Chinese tunic suits have generally become popular with suits and shoes.
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中国科技界和企业界近40个行 业领域的专家和代表,不久前在北京聚会,共商中国科技和企业发展大计。会议最后通过了《中国企业发展绿色宣言》。 中国科学院院长周光召代表中