乔尼·塔皮埃是一位魅力非凡的拳手,多年来,他的生活一直都很狂野。事实上,他的纹身“Mi Vida Loca”在西班牙语里的意思就是“我狂野的生活”。对于那些不熟悉塔皮埃的人来说,他是那样的放浪形骸,然而,又有几人能够知晓,他的生命曾历经磨难……这位来自美国新墨西哥州中部城市阿尔伯克基的年轻人,曾五度夺得世界拳王头衔。并且他还是体育界为数
Jonny Tapiere is a charismatic boxer who has lived wild for years. In fact, his tattoo “Mi Vida Loca” in Spanish means “my wild life.” For those unfamiliar with Tapie, he was such a ghostly man, yet few were aware that his life had been tormented ... The young man from Albuquerque, New Mexico, central America, Has won the World Boxing title five times. And he is still the number of sports