A Brief Overview of the Pharmacy Education in Canada

来源 :首都医科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bird2000
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   In Canada, there are presently nine Universities with Pharmacy Schools. The total enrolment a year isabout 900 students. A spectrum of educational programs is provided including B Sc, Residency, Pharm. D,M, Sc. and Ph. D. A B. Sc. in Pharmacy is required for those who wish to practice as licensed pharmacists.For those who wish to enter research or teaching, a M Sc. degree or further postgraduate study is usuallyrequired. Due to the length of this article, I will focus on the undergraduate or B Sc in Pharmacy education.
许小年对经济热点不感兴趣,这好比孙悟空一眼就看穿了“白骨精”的本质,又何必劳心于揣度“白骨精”下一次是变农妇、老太婆还是老头?  在2008年下半年全球金融危机汹涌而至时,世界各国政府开始积极救市,凯恩斯主义由此再次大行其道。然而许小年却一以贯之地高举市场经济大旗,撰文《自由市场不死》。  在大多数人认为,“市场失灵”是金融危机爆发的根源时,许小年认为危机的祸根是“政府失灵”。而要走出危机,则要先
目的减少或避免食管癌、贲门癌术中发生重要器官的损伤.方法对食管癌、贲门癌术中17例罕见的并发症进行回顾性分析.结果 17例患者中,13例经积极有效的修补、输血均存活,4例严