本文论述了重庆通信学院研制的一种经济而实用的小容量移动电话系统。采用 DTMF 信号作为多信道共用无线电话系统的信令是一种新方法,这是一个有意义的成功的尝试.该系统特别适用于开设有线电话有困难的企业或事业单位,也适用于农话或用于城市边缘地区作为对市话的延伸.文中较详细的叙述了系统的结构、功能、特点和工作过程,便于需要这种系统的用户选用时参考。
This article discusses an economical and practical small-capacity mobile phone system developed by Chongqing Communication Institute. The use of DTMF signaling as a signaling method for multichannel shared radiotelephone systems is a significant and successful attempt and is particularly well-suited to enterprises or institutions having difficulty in establishing wired telephony as well as to agricultural Or used as an extension of the city dialect in the fringe of the city.This paper narrates the structure, function, characteristic and work process of the system in detail, which is convenient for users who need this system to choose for reference.