依法办法好政报 确保政令畅通《贵州政报》全省工作会议在筑召开

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2000年9月22日,2001年度《贵州政报》全省工作会议在花溪贵州绿野山庄记者俱乐部召开。省政府副秘书长姚亚非,省政协提案委副主任曹新忠,省委宣传部副部长姚远,省记者协会副主席王保民出席会议。会议传达了全国政报第十次协作会议精神,强调要依法办好政报,发挥政报传达政令服务政府工作职能,确保政令畅通。会议强调:《中华人民共和国立法法》已经公布实施,《立法法》对《贵州政报》的法律地位和作用作了进一步明确和界定。《立法法》规定地方政府规章签署公布后,要及时在本级人民政府公报和本行政区域范围内发行的报纸上刊登,刊登的规章文本为标准文本。就我省而言,地方人民政府公报就是《贵州政报》。这就从法律上确定了《贵州政报》的法律地位和作用。《贵州政报》具有依法行使发布省政府政令的特殊 On September 22, 2000, the 2001 Guizhou Province Political Work Conference was held at the reporter club of Guizhou Lushui Villa in Huaxi. Yao Yafei, deputy secretary general of the provincial government, Cao Xinzhong, deputy director of the provincial CPPCC delegation for proposals, Yao Yuan, vice minister of the Propaganda Department of the provincial party committee, and Wang Baomin, vice chairman of the Provincial Association of Journalists attended the meeting. The meeting conveyed the spirit of the Tenth Symposium held by the National People’s Congress and emphasized that it should do a good job of politics according to law, give full play to its functions as a political power to convey government decrees to serve government functions and ensure smooth flow of government decrees. The meeting emphasized: “The Legislation Law of the People’s Republic of China” has been promulgated and implemented, and the “Legislation Law” further clarifies and defines the legal status and role of the “Guizhou Gazette.” After the Legislation Law stipulates that the rules and regulations of local governments are signed and promulgated, they shall promptly publish them in newspapers published at the gazette of the people’s government at the same level and within the scope of their respective administrative regions. The regulatory texts published are standard texts. In our province, the communique of the local people’s government is the “Guizhou Gazette.” This legally determines the legal status and role of the “Guizhou Gazette.” The “Guizhou Gazette” has the special feature of issuing provincial government decrees according to law
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