2000年工作回顾 即将过去的2000年,是全面落实工会工作基本框架,并取得重大发展的一年。全国各级煤矿地质工会,认真贯彻党的十五届四中全会和全总十三届二次执委会会议精神,按照二届三次全委会议的部署,以贯彻落实工会工作“五突破一加强”的各项任务为新的起点,进一步突出维护职能,加强具有产业特色的重点工作,促进了煤炭地矿系统工会工作整体水平的提高,为推进煤炭和地矿系统改革、发展和稳定工作发挥了积
The year 2000, the review of work for the year 2000, is the year of full implementation of the basic framework of trade union work and its significant development. The coal mine geological unions at all levels throughout the country conscientiously implemented the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee and the second executive committee meeting of the 13th CPC Central Committee. In accordance with the deployment of the 3rd NPCSC, Strengthen the various tasks for the new starting point, and further highlight the maintenance of functions, strengthen the key work with industry characteristics, and promote the overall level of the work of the coal mine system, the improvement of trade union work, in order to promote the coal and mining system reform, development and stability Played the plot