According to the report of the University of Arizona, the infection of D. moniliforme with pineapple stem can cause black rot in fruit. The pineapple stem is used as an incision. After 8-10 hours of inoculation, the fungus is treated with benomyl (2000 micrograms active ingredient per milliliter ) 93% alcohol solution dip incision 5 seconds, can prevent black rot pineapple fruit. More than 16 hours after inoculation is ineffective. The preventive effects of benomyl solution, low concentration alcohol solution, sodium phenolate solution (1.25% by weight and active ingredient) and thiabendazole (2000 micrograms per milliliter active ingredient) are poor. Mature fruit by mechanical damage, and then in the fruit side or fruit top vaccination, either before inoculation, after the whole fruit immersed in benomyl alcohol solution, can not control the black rot.