From Polymeric Nanoparticles to Dye-containing Photonic Crystals:Synthesis,Self-assembling,Optical F

来源 :复旦学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshigr321
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1 Results Self-assembling of monodisperse polymeric nanoparticles is a perspective method of obtaining photonic crystalline materials for optoelectronics,telecommunication industry and optosensorics.For tuning optical characteristics of photonic crystals it is advisable to functionalize nanoparticles by dyes absorbing or emitting light in the vicinity of the photonic band gap,which position depends on the nanoparticle diameter.To prepare monodisperse nanoparticles with the dye-functionalyzed surface emulsion copolymerization of styrene with functional comonomers methacrylic acid[1] or N-vinylformamide was investigated.Dyes were attached onto the surface of nanoparticles either by covalent binding with surface amino groups of poly(styrene-co-N-vinylformamide-co-4-aminostyrene) particles[2] or by the ionic interaction of cationic dyes (Rhodamine 6G,Acriflavine,and 1-(3-ammonium-propyl)-4-[(E)-2-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-1-ethenyl]pyridinium perchlorate) with surface carboxylic groups of poly(styrene-co-methacrylic acid) particles. 1 Results Self-assembling of monodisperse polymeric nanoparticles is a perspective method of obtaining photonic crystalline materials for optoelectronics, telecommunication industry and optosensorics. For tuning optical characteristics of photonic crystals it is advisable to functionalize nanoparticles by dyes absorbing or emitting light in the vicinity of the photonic band gap, which position depends on the nanoparticle diameter. To prepare monodisperse nanoparticles with the dye-functionalyzed surface emulsion copolymerization of styrene with functional comonomers methacrylic acid [1] or N-vinylformamide was .Dyes were attached onto the surface of nanoparticles either by covalent binding with surface amino groups of poly (styrene-co-N-vinylformamide-co-4-aminostyrene) particles [2] or by the ionic interaction of cationic dyes (Rhodamine 6G, Acriflavine, and 1- propyl) -4 - [(E) -2- (3,4-dimethoxyphenyl) -1-ethenyl] pyridinium perchlorate) with surface carboxylic groups of pol y (styrene-co-methacrylic acid) particles.
9月13日  晴    “叮铃铃……叮铃铃……”是课间操的时间了,同学们飞快地冲出教室。“不要着急!不要急!排好队伍……”班主任徐老师扯着嗓门在喊。我们这些顽皮的孩子们好像根本没听见似的一个个冲下楼梯,来到操场。“把队伍排整齐了!”徐老师铁青着脸,说:“你们这些孩子们呀,说了多少次了,下课后,一定要排好队伍有秩序地来到操场,你们为什么总是不听呢?”“看!徐大侠又开始唠叨了!”有的同学在私底下嘀咕道
美国有位心理学家曾经做过这样一个试验,他将他的学生分成了三组,对第一组表示信任并给予赞美与鼓励;对第二组采取不管不问、放任自流的态度;对第三组则不断给予批评。试验表明,被经常鼓励的第一组进步最快,总是挨批的第三组有些进步,而被漠视的第二组则在原地踏步。  另一位心理学家为了让他的学生重视他人、信任他人,经常在课堂上要求学生们站起来,当着大家的面表扬某一个同学。这种练习不仅使全班学生感到愉快,而且使
9月15日  晴    记得刚转入城南小学时,我对这儿的一切都感到陌生,特别是对我的班主任,总有一种说不出的感觉。  一天早读时间,同学们正读得起劲,老师兴致勃勃地走上讲台,笑着对大家说:“现在你们每人出5道题,作为语文小试卷!”我听了暗暗高兴,立即拿出语文资料书左翻翻,右看看,终于找到了5道超难度的题目。过了一会儿,老师笑眯眯地问:“试卷都出好了吗?”“好啦!”同学们信心十足地回答。我发现每个人
Mg-25 wt% Mg2Ni composite was prepared by sintered method,hydrided at 613 K and then ball-milled with 1.5 wt% PdCl2 additive for 51 h. The effects of PdCl2 on t