
来源 :财会月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Chanco
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目前,我国所采用的会计年度是历年制,即每年从1月1日起至12月31日止。历年制的优点是符合人们按照日历期编制计划、安排生产,并对一年的生产经营成果进行年度核算这一习惯,也与财政年度相一致。笔者认为,这种会计年度,在我国实行单一计划经济的时期是比较适应的,但在改革开放的今天,它已不适应社会主义市场经济发展的要求。一是决算汇编时间过长。现行制度规定各企业决算报告在年终后35天以内报出,主管局限40天内报出,遇到法定的节假日,报送期限顺延,而我国两大节(元旦、春节)又恰恰在这个期间,严重影响了国家财政决算的时 At present, the fiscal year adopted by China is calendar year system, that is, from January 1 to December 31 every year. The merit of the calendar year system is that it accords with the habit of people making plans according to the calendar period, arranging production, and annual accounting of the production and operation results for one year, which is also consistent with the fiscal year. The author believes that such a fiscal year is relatively comfortable in the time when a single planned economy in our country was implemented. However, it is no longer suited to the requirements of the socialist market economy at the time of reform and opening up. First, final compilation time is too long. The current system stipulates that the final accounts of all enterprises shall be reported within 35 days after the end of the year and the competent limits shall be reported within 40 days. In the event of legal holidays, the deadline for submission of reports shall be postponed. However, during the two major holidays in China (New Year and Spring Festival) Seriously affected the national financial accounts
任何风光一时的人和事,如果不能主动更新自我的话,迟早都会成为“底特律”。曾经名扬世界的“汽车城”底特律,曾经的现代工业典范,曾经的美国制造之象征,如今已沦落为悲情和没落的象征,正验证了不进则退的生存法则。  底特律的衰落非自今日始,其巅峰出现在50年前,终结于1967年的社会冲突,当时底层的底特律黑人因种族歧视等原因与白人社会发生流血冲突,总统约翰逊动用5000人的军队入城维稳,冲突中40人死亡,
四年一届的世界杯,对于全世 界的球迷来说是个盛大的节日。对于我们这些球员,能通过联赛的间隙静下心来学习观摩,应该说是个提高自身认识的颇好机会。 世界杯总能让人们为
In recent months, an inspiring vision of the “Chinese dream” put forward by newly elected President Xi Jinping has been enthusiastically discussed throughout China. But what does it mean to Europe and
1999年 12月 1日 ,校第 11届“华为·星火杯”大学生课外学术科技作品展览会在大学生活动中心隆重开幕 .共青团陕西省委副书记井剑萍、团省委学校部副部长李小虎、深圳市华为